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Thought Leadership Articles

Get Off the Functional Performance Hamster Wheel. Take the Plunge into Emotional CX

Transactions and relationships are intrinsically interrelated but are inherently different. Measuring and managing both makes sense. What's more important and companies typically fail to...

The Fine Art of Experience Pruning… Because Sometimes Less is More

From 1914 to 1925 the best-selling vehicle in the world only came in one color: black. Color was not the only constraint; when the...

Finding Subscription Success: Three Strategies for Grocers and Omnichannel Retailers

Can a retailer's loyalty program drive customer loyalty and become a source of revenue? Some retailers and grocers are already leveraging the idea of...

GenAI as a Catalyst for Workforce Enhancement: 10 People Strategy Considerations

We are amid a GenAI revolution. GenAI burst into our personal and professional lives so abruptly in 2022 that many companies are still playing...

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