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Dave Fish

Dave Fish, Ph.D.

Dave is the founder of CuriosityCX, an insights and advisory consultancy for Customer Experience. Formerly he was CMO for MaritzCX, now an InMoment company. He has 25+ years of applied experience in understanding consumer behavior consulting with Global 50 companies. Dave has held several executive positions at the Mars Agency, Engine Group, J.D. Power and Associates, Toyota Motor North America, and American Savings Bank. He teaches at the Sam Walton School of Business at the University of Arkansas. He is the author of "The Customer Experience Field Guide" available on Amazon and BookLogix.com.

How to Use Customer Kindness to Make Hard Jobs Suck Less

Josh had only been a waiter for two weeks and tonight was going exceptionally poorly. He was overwhelmed with managing orders and feared the...

When Disaster Strikes: 7 CX Rules to Build Loyalty

It was 1:00 am when we heard the blare of the Tornado sirens going off. "Dave, the sirens are going off!" my wife yelled from...

The Fine Art of Experience Pruning… Because Sometimes Less is More

From 1914 to 1925 the best-selling vehicle in the world only came in one color: black. Color was not the only constraint; when the...

The Importance of Context in Experience Design: Lessons from the Caribbean

"Waaaaahhhhhhahaaaa!!!", my wife screamed, her hands white-knuckled the side of the car seat. She was sitting shotgun in our tiny Suzuki rental when we came...

Survey Fraud: The CX Industry’s Dirty Little Secret

Today thousands of surveys are being sent out, completed, tabulated, analyzed, and being put into presentations and on dashboards. Recommendations are being made. Executives...

Take a Lesson from Gibson Guitars — Move Beyond CX to Future-Proof Your Company

Famed guitarist Les Paul was frustrated. The board of directors at Gibson Guitars again rejected his idea for a new concept. It was 1941...

A Contingency Model of CX: The Right Experience for the Right Time

I once wrote an article about how the future of shopping would all be automated. In this new world, we would shop online and...

Revolutionizing Customer Experience with AI: Opportunities and Challenges

Will the machines take over or just take out the monotony of boring work. With so much hub-bub around AI, I thought I...

Exploit Your Competitor’s Blind Spot: Use All Five Senses to Design the Retail Experience

In the classic scene from the film "The Wrath of Kahn" the embattled crew of the Starship Enterprise sits crippled in interstellar space, hiding...

Can You Design Experiences? Take a Lesson from Mardi Gras

Recently I celebrated my 30th birthday for the 12th time in one of my favorite places on the planet, New Orleans. I booked flights...

Creating Peak Experiences: How to Brainstorm in CX

"What if we came to clients with a collection of solutions rather than a collection of problems?" It was a startling insight that my friend,...

Reinventing Real-World Communities Using Customer Experience Principles

Oftentimes, we talk about Customer Experience in the context of buying things and services. In reality, customer experience can be expanded to community experience....

4 Ways to Avoid Innovation Catastrophe in Experiential Design

"Empathy means that I understand your situation." The call rep with two intricate sleeve tattoos folded his hands and glanced down at the table for...

Lessons the Irish Pub Can Teach Us About Experiential Design

The cab driver on his way from Dublin airport was dispensing unsolicited advice on two topics to our family: alcohol and where to buy...

Will Tesla Fail? Or Dominate the Car Industry?

By most measures, Tesla's future is looking bright. But it's no secret that the build quality of Tesla generally stinks. Perhaps Tesla's biggest vulnerability is…

6 Rules of User Experience Design to Make Technology Helpful, Not Burdensome

Any damn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple. —Pete Seeger As a happy byproduct of the global pandemic…

Surfing, Monkeys, and Why You Can’t Design Experiences

"Pura Vida!" our host yelled as we maneuvered down the gravel road on a balmy summer evening. We were road weary after a five-hour plane...

10 Leading Indicators of Horrible CX… and How to Fix

I remember staying at a luxury resort in Florida where I was giving a presentation on CX… back in the day when those things...

Biophilic Design: The Secret CX Design Element Hiding in Plain Sight

Close your eyes and think about your most memorable positive experiences from your past.  Hopefully you’ve opened your eyes by now. Now ask yourself, where…

Innovation and Delight: How to Break Away from the “Effortless” CX Pack

“Good night Clarence I had a truly w o n d e r f u l evening,” Alabama said on the steps of her...

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