7 Key Strategies For Growing Your Brand Using Short-Form Video Content


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Short-form video content has emerged as a crucial tool for brand growth. Not only has it been recognized as the most popular and effective social media content format, but a significant portion of marketers (33%) are investing more in this strategy than any other. 

With consumers’ attention spans shrinking and the craving for quick, engaging content rising, brands that master short-form video creation are poised to outshine competitors.

This article will unpack seven key strategies to help your brand leverage the power of short-form video content. 

Let’s get started!

7 Key Strategies For Growing Your Brand With Short-Form Video Content

1. Repurpose Long-Form Content

Transforming long-form content into short, engaging videos is a powerful way to regenerate your extensive content material for audiences who prefer quick consumption. This approach leverages existing long-format videos, breaking them down into digestible clips that capture the core messages or highlights of the original.

Repurposing content also helps create a cost-effective brand strategy because it relies on existing assets, reducing the need for fresh content creation. Also, video snippets tailored for platforms like Instagram or TikTok often lead to higher engagement due to their bite-sized nature, which is more suited to social media users’ viewing habits.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy:

  • Extract the most impactful and informative segments of the long-form content.
  • Ensure each video snippet is self-contained and can be understood without the full context.
  • Incorporate your brand elements to maintain recognition across different content forms.
  • Tailor the format and style for the specific social media platforms being targeted.



A brand that has effectively utilized this strategy is TED. They often repurpose their thought-provoking talks into short clips for social media. They maintain high visual and storytelling quality while delivering condensed, impactful messages that drive engagement and interest in their deeper, more extensive material.

2. Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful way to enhance your brand’s authenticity and relate directly to its consumers. Studies reveal a 28% increase in engagement when brands integrate UGC with professional marketing content. 

With UGC, customers become your brand storytellers, leading to a more genuine brand image that resonates with potential buyers.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy:

  • Encourage users to share their experiences through hashtag campaigns on social media.
  • Launch contests where customers can submit videos using your product to be featured.
  • Regularly showcase user stories on your website and social media to foster a community mindset.

Take GoPro as a striking example of UGC in action. Through the GoPro Awards, they invite users to submit their content with the potential to earn rewards. Manage your campaigns on social media by leveraging a social media virtual assistant.

GoPro as a striking example of UGC


The brand leverages user-submitted content to showcase awards on its social media platforms, fostering a positive cycle where promoted user-generated content (UGC) inspires the creation of more UGC.

GoPro leveraging UGC


Not only does this provide a plethora of authentic visual content, but it also leverages customers’ adventurous stories to inspire and attract others. This strategy has been crucial in solidifying GoPro’s brand, which is synonymous with action and adventure.

3. Take Advantage Of Current Trends

Noticeably, short-form video content thrives on the pulse of the latest trends. By aligning video content with current trends, brands are more likely to engage modern audiences and maintain relevance.

You should seek out trending topics and hashtags and then leverage these in a way that resonates with your brand’s message. It’s about finding the sweet spot between what’s popular and what’s authentic to your brand’s image and values.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy: 

  • Identify trending hashtags and incorporate them into video content.
  • Observe and analyze viral short-form videos for elements that can be adapted.
  • Engage with trend-related challenges or themes while staying true to your brand’s persona.
  • Schedule content releases to coincide with the peak of trending curves.

A notable example is Nike’s use of short-form videos that capitalize on various trends or significant events. 

Nike on instagram


They create content that resonates with the moment, whether a global sporting event or a grassroots-level phenomenon, thus keeping their brand in constant conversation.

4. Choose The Right Content Mix

Choosing the right content mix is critical for maximizing the impact of short-form video in brand growth strategies. However, you need to strike a balance between educational and entertaining content to maintain viewer engagement. Content that informs can position your brand as an industry thought leader, while entertaining content can enhance your brand appeal and encourage shares.

Selecting diverse content types is key to appealing to a broader audience. Variety ensures that your brand’s messaging resonates with different segments of its target market. Videos range from how-to guides and product demos to behind-the-scenes peeks and user-generated content.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy: 

  • Diversify your video types to cater to various consumer interests and preferences.
  • Incorporate tutorials and explainer videos that provide value and showcase expertise.
  • Experiment with different video formats to identify what resonates best with your audience.
  • Blend educational material with light-hearted or humorous elements to boost engagement.
  • Analyze performance data to refine the content mix continually.

BuzzFeed Tasty is an exemplifying brand of this approach. Their strategy involves a mix of quick recipe videos, cooking tips, and fun food challenges that inform and entertain their audience.

BuzzFeed Tasty


This blend demonstrates their culinary expertise and engages viewers with relatable and enjoyable content, encouraging shares and interactions. 

5. Create Captivating Hooks

Creating a compelling hook is vital for catching the viewer’s attention within the first few seconds of your video. A well-crafted hook is like a visual headline; it tempts viewers to continue watching. 

Brands must design engaging intros that promise value, entertainment, or information and immediately resonate with the target audience‘s interests or pain points.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy: 

  • Use bold questions or surprising statements to pique curiosity.
  • Present a common problem that your product can solve.
  • Show a sneak peek of the outcome or result to create anticipation.
  • Incorporate quick, eye-catching visuals or upbeat music to set the energy right from the start.

Netflix offers a prime example of the effective use of hooks. Its videos often begin with a gripping scene, a mysterious line of dialogue, or a shocking plot twist that immediately draws viewers in. 

Netflix offers a prime example of the effective use of hooks


They’ve mastered the hook by consistently delivering entertaining and appetizing intros, drawing viewers into their brand’s story.

6. Keep It Fun And Relatable

Incorporating humor and relatability into short-form video content is a powerful way to engage an audience. Videos that evoke laughter or a sense of shared experience can break barriers, fostering a stronger connection between your brand and its viewers. When content resonates personally, it will likely be enjoyed, remembered, and shared.

To achieve this, you should craft stories and scenarios that mirror the viewers’ lives. By doing so, they create an enjoyable experience that feels less like an advertisement and more like a moment of entertainment. Being relatable builds trust and affinity, essential to a successful brand-customer relationship.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy: 

  • Integrate common life situations that reflect your audiences’ experiences.
  • Use popular culture references to create a sense of shared knowledge.
  • Employ lighthearted humor that aligns with your brand voice to spark joy.
  • Encourage user interaction by tapping into trends and viral challenges.

One real-world example of a brand utilizing this approach effectively is Zomato. Their use of humor in short-form video content, particularly on social media platforms like Instagram, has helped them form a relatable and approachable brand image. 

One real-world example of a brand utilizing this approach effectively is Zomato


They often leverage current memes and jokes, creating a light-hearted rapport with their audience. This strategy drives engagement and encourages viewers to associate the brand with positive emotions.

7. Use Strong CTAs

Call to Action (CTAs) are crucial in converting views into tangible outcomes. They guide viewers toward the next step, whether subscribing, sharing, or purchasing. Strong CTAs can significantly increase viewer action, turning passive content consumption into active audience engagement.

A compelling CTA in short-form video content must be concise and direct. It should align with your brand’s message and be relevant to the video content, giving viewers a clear instruction on what to do next. To maximize impact, place your CTA where it’s most likely to catch attention, such as during a climactic moment or at the end of the video.

Here’s how to make the most of this strategy: 

  • Be Clear and Specific: Don’t leave viewers guessing; tell them exactly what to do.
  • Use Urgency: Words like “now” or “today” can prompt immediate action.
  • Highlight Benefits: Let viewers know what they’ll gain by taking action.
  • Visually Stand Out: Make the CTA visually distinct from the rest of the video content.
  • Test Different CTAs: Analyze performance and optimize based on the results.

An example of a brand that effectively uses CTAs is Nykaa. Their promotional short-form videos use the phrase “View Products.” 

brand that effectively uses CTAs is Nykaa


The direct CTA and adrenaline-inducing visuals drive their audience to immediately check out the latest product line, reflecting the brand’s dynamic nature. Nykaa’s precise placement and wording of the CTA harmonize with their overall marketing strategy.

Mastering Short-Form Video Content

Mastering short-form video content is a continuous process. Brands must understand that brevity pairs with creativity to captivate audiences quickly.

Experimentation and innovation should not be overlooked. One should not fear trying new concepts or altering traditional formats; this is often how new trends are born. Brands are encouraged to test various content styles, assess their performance, and refine their approach based on data and audience feedback.

Oliver Baker
Oliver Baker is a co-founder of Intelivita, a leading Web and Mobile App Development company based in Leeds, UK. Oliver has been at the forefront of the business, expanding it globally and into new technologies including iOS and Android, AR, VR and Mobile Game applications. Oliver excels in Project Management, Leadership, Quality Assurance and Problem Solving and has qualifications with Prince2 and APM. He aims to develop his skills further through a shared interest with other leaders in the Software Markets and the Clients of Intelivita.


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