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Connie Kadansky

Connie Kadansky
Sales Call Reluctance Coach, Trainer. Salespeople, financial advisors and executive recruiters, count on me to help them overcome Sales Call Reluctance, make focused calls with confidence, and set more appointments so that they can sell consistently.

Stop fibbing to prospects!

Q: What is the quickest way to blow your credibility with prospects? A: Tell them you are not trying to sell them...

#1 Complaint about Salespeople: They Don’t Listen

Yes, salespeople talk too much and blow their credibility. A prospect will not listen to you until you have established a certain amount...

Do you suffer from Sales Call Reluctance or are you bored?

Great inventors are never bored with their work. They sometimes forget to eat because they are so intrigued by their mission. We...

12 Types of Sales Call Reluctance

Some salespeople think that Sales Call Reluctance is just picking up the phone. Telephobia is only one type of Sales Call Reluctance. There are...

Tips for Overcoming Sales Call Reluctance

Be honest with yourself. Many people are more willing to admit they are alcoholic, than that they are sales call reluctant. Are you getting...

Want to feel better immediately about yourself?

As salespeople if we are active in our marketplace every day we'll have some type of challenge or obstacle; right? How can you ensure that...

First Step in Overcoming Sales Call Reluctance

One of the greatest coaches of all time is Phil Jackson (Chicago Bulls and L.A. Lakers) – the "Zen Master." What can we learn...

Are you addicted to “yes?”

Today I listened to a CD from Goforno -- Andrea and Richard are proposing that we shift our mindset and find the word "no"...

How optimistic are you about you?

How do you feel about the world? Do you think it is beautiful? In your mind's eye do you see the beautiful pictures of...

There is no magical script!

The magic is your delivery. Only 27% of the communication when you are prospecting are the words that you say. 73% of...

Ever wonder who are the biggest carriers of Sales Call Reluctance?

It's sales trainers and sales managers, according to George Dudley and Shannon Goodson, world-renowned behavioral scientists. Their research shows that some sales trainers and...

What would happen to your production if you had an accountability partner?

There is a 34% chance of achieving a goal if you set it and write it down. Are you impressed? 34%? However, if you...

If You’re Serious About Improving Your Prospecting Skills. . .

. . . record your calls and listen to them! Dr. Birdwhistle of the University of Pennsylvania said that when we are on the phone...

Let your prospect know that you did your homework!

Yesterday, I got a call from a salesperson who wanted to put a vending machine with "red bull and energy" drinks in my office....

Three Characteristics of Effective Self-Promoters

The highest rewards do not go to the most intelligent, the best prepared or the hardest working salespeople. The highest rewards go to...

Is Sales Call Reluctance costing you BIG Bucks?

Sales Call Reluctance is nothing to be embarrassed about. Living with it needlessly is. If you are struggling with Sales Call...

Do you resent other salespeople when they prospect you?

Salespeople who suffer from Role Rejection Sales Call Reluctance usually resent salespeople who prospect them. Role Rejection Call Reluctance is when salespeople have...

Are you worthy of your prospect’s confidence?

Two little boys are talking and one says "my daddy is so strong that he can pick up a horse." The other little...

Stop fooling yourself: Your prospect knows that you are a salesperson

I get the biggest kick out of sales managers and sales trainers who tell their salespeople "get out there and sell, but don't be...

How Sales Shame Kills Your Prospecting — and How to Stop it

How do you feel when a salesperson prospects you? Come on, fess us — because your candid answer to that question may hold...

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