Yesterday, I got a call from a salesperson who wanted to put a vending machine with “red bull and energy” drinks in my office. She was upbeat and clear on the purpose of her call! However, I work out of a small office. It is obvious that she didn’t do her homework.
Prospects want to know that they are not “just another tick on your call sheet.”
If this salesperson would have looked at my website, she would have known that I probably wasn’t someone who would be interested in a vending machine with Red Bull.
How do you show your prospects that you have done your homework?
Recommend that you do your homework and make sure that you have a solution to your prospect’s problem.
Potential introductions to prove you have done your homework: “We work with several companies similiar to yours, such as (A, B, C) — if you are at liberty to say the name of well-known companies do so.
“In reviewing your website, I note that . . . “
“We work with facilitites mangers who struggle with . . . “
What other ways can you prove you have done your homework?