. . . record your calls and listen to them!
Dr. Birdwhistle of the University of Pennsylvania said that when we are on the phone 73% of our communication is our tonality, which includes volume, pitch, inflection, speed, intonation, quality. If the stakes are so high, why not listen to how you sound when you are prospecting? Only 27% of the communication are the words that you speak.
My courageous clients invest in the time and effort to record their calls. They accelerate their success by being vulnerable and eavesdropping on their conversations. One client said “I sounded like a bull in a china closet. I interrupted them constantly. I was too loud. No reason I am not succeeding.” He went on to immediately self-correct and started successfully setting more appointments.
http://www.newcallsolutions.com will set you up to record your calls. It’s easy.