Sales Call Reluctance is nothing to be embarrassed about. Living with it needlessly is. If you are struggling with Sales Call Reluctance and not prospecting consistently, just know that it is not prospecting that is causing your anxiety. It is the thought about prospecting that causes your anxiety. Did you know that there are six mindset habits that will transform your results that are strongly rooted in behavioral science.
If you are experiencing Sales Call Reluctance, you are probably pre-playing your prospecting calls negatively. You are projecting your fear and negativity onto your prospecting call. Did you know that with some mental discipline and effort that you can start pre-playing your prospecting calls much differently? You can use mental visualization and mental preparation and have the prospecting calls unfold for you in detail with the result that you want opposed to what you don’t want!
GEEEZ!!! Talk about a freakin’ cliff-hanger!
Now I’m even MORE nervous to get on the phone 😉