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Dr. Jodie, we are interested in transforming the customer experience in our contact center but I’ve heard that traditional Voice of the Customer programs are not the best route any more. Do you have a suggestion for how we can truly put our customers first? – Jenna H
Thank you for your question, Jenna. In fact, Contact Center Quality Transformation is something we continuously talk about with our clients and colleagues. At its most basic level, quality transformation is about turning your contact center and business into a customer-centric organization. When we talk about quality transformation and putting our customers first, we see very quickly that we are adding value to our organization and unlocking the true potential of our contact center. The problem is that everyone TALKS about doing this but then implements a common Quality program that does not get those results.
Let me try to explain what I mean by transformation away from the transactional and to the experiential. Where we might have once been focused on the transactions taking place and money coming in the door, we are now focused on the experience our customers are having with our agents, company, brand and our products. How are our actions influencing them in a memorable way? We may once have spent much time monitoring and measuring the agent’s call-handle time, but now we are measuring how the needs are handled, completely handled. Was their problem solved in a compassionate way? Did we use the collaborative strength of our team and does the customer positively evaluate the experience? Finally, the entire Quality process is not focused on listening to calls and scoring them in ways that ultimately de-motivate the agents. We using new and innovative ways to empower and develop the innate talent that lies within each of them to transform the Quality Program away from transactional to be one the is experiential at its foundation.
Say it with me – Contact Center Quality Transformation. I hope this helps you on your transformative customer-centric path, Jenna.
— Dr. Jodie