Use Mobile Apps To Increase The Satisfaction Of Your Customers


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That an organization maintains communication with its consumers before, during and after the purchase, is vital to build a good relationship with them. Using apps to improve customer service allows you to create a link and strengthen the user experience.

Mobile applications make interaction with the brand immediate, becoming a comfortable digitization tool that is currently experiencing exponential growth.

Creating an effective customer communication strategy requires focusing on the long term and adapting to its trends. Therefore, betting on lasting actions that benefit them helps to build loyalty and improve the reputation of the brand.

– How can apps improve customer service?
– What companies can benefit from them?
– What are the functionalities to include in the apps to improve customer service?
– Why develop an app for customer service?

How can apps improve customer service?

The consumers are more likely to contact suppliers via mobile applications since these platforms are highly customized. Likewise, they cause the response time to requests to be shorter, being able to contact the brand at any time and providing comfort.

Carrying out the act of purchase with your mobile through an app is always easier than using a responsive website. So, the trust and user experience are greater when using them.

The opinion of the consumers and the degree of satisfaction are vital when building a good corporate image. Showing yourself as an accessible and attentive organization to your audience, strengthens engagement with customers.

This type of platform collects all the benefits of mobile devices, such as accessibility, speed or proximity, and projects them to the relationship with people. Presenting itself as an alternative to the conventional way of dealing with consumers. Where, on many occasions, they complain about long waits, the bureaucratization of content or its lack of efficiency.

What companies can benefit from customer service apps?

Any organization that offers products or services to the market in a massive way is an ideal model to bet on apps for customer service.

An optimal prototype that, due to its business model, can make a great profit by offering this type of platform are B2B companies. For example, airlines, telephone companies, private clinics or banks are organizations in which their users have to do many procedures and request various information.

By choosing them, they can save time on daily tasks and provide users with an alternative method of solving their problems. Since, around 60% of users prefer to make their routine inquiries using mobile applications.

What should an app have to improve customer service?

There are a number of common functionalities or features that are recommended to be included in mobile applications for customer service to reach their full potential.

Its main objective is to promote the customer experience using different techniques. There are various ways to simplify procedures and offer the possibility of contact and carrying out procedures at any time or use the functionalities of mobile phones to have better UX.

Various communication channels

A mobile customer service application can incorporate an internal messaging and response system through an automated chatbot.Frequently asked questions solutions or a real-time chat that allows agents to resolve requests on the spot, are some of the ways to offer 24-hour assistance.

Likewise, a study by Opus Research indicates that in 2021 the investment in these technological solutions will be 4.5 billion dollars.

Thanks to channels such as chatbots, contact forms or call buttons, apps to improve customer service can offer several direct communication channels.

Ability to manage requests

It generates access to communication agents to an organized system that allows them to maintain the order of inquiries, requests, ticket handling and management of their tasks.

In addition, they can be segmented and automated, saving time, so tasks that previously took hours can be done in a matter of minutes. Large companies have already implemented this type of action in their business strategy.

Push notifications

When a client makes a query, he expects to have a response as soon as possible, so the interaction of the brand must occur when the user needs it. If the help is satisfactory, the consumer’s memory of the brand will be positive.

The push notifications can be customized; therefore, it is possible to inform clients individually. Different users can know about the discounts, new incidents, or incoming resolutions about the doubts that they have indicated.

Integration with other platforms

One of the elements that can be integrated into apps to improve customer service is a ‘Customer Relationship Management’ (CRM). In this way, the customers, employees, the marketing and sales departments will also be able to access the information in real time and benefit from the information they provide.

HubSpot, Salesforce or Zendesk are just some of the software that can be linked to this type of mobile application.

Loyalty tools

A loyalty system is an element that cannot be missing in a mobile application that seeks to improve customer service. These allow the inclusion of incentives to the user, such as offering them points for use, promotions or discounts. A satisfied customer strengthens the bond with the brand and this can increase their loyalty. Observing how requests are handled quickly and efficiently improves the feeling of belonging to the organization. This facilitates the retention of users in the long term and attract new consumers.

Why develop a customer service app?

Companies that wish to provide an agile and quality service should consider the development of this type of platform. Those that seek to optimize their procedures should involve themselves in any of these aspects:

– Improve response time
– Organization and categorization of content
– Saving resources
– Growth in your database
– Get closer to your customers

Attracting and retaining the target audience are two of the main objectives of most companies.So, looking for techniques to achieve this is a trend, with mobile applications for customer service being a very useful medium. For this, it is vital to have experts who are in charge of the development of your app and advise throughout the process.


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