Time is precious, and the sales person’s time is incredibly precious, both to them and to the sales organization looking to maximize the performance of their key quota-bearers. Since so much of a sales person’s time is spent moving between A and B and back again, does it make sense to equip them with the tools to connect to their stakeholders to the greatest extent possible?
As with many important strategic decisions, though, it becomes a question of degree. To what degree should we enable our sales people to be on the grid when they’re mobile? Where on the spectrum of mobile phone (low mobility) through to complete mobile replication of their office situation (high mobility) makes most sense for our business and our budgeted investment?
I offer below 6 reasons for why you should embed automated intelligence into the mobilization of your sales force. I have taken content from our free White Paper called Intelligent Automation for Sales Mobility, which you can download here.
Productivity. Simply put, allowing your remote sales people to perform the same processing and computing tasks on the road as they do from their office helps them work smarter
Consistency. If integrating methodology and process into CRM increases adoption of best practices, then integrating into mobile CRM must do too
Responsiveness. Being able to respond quickly and authoritatively is important, and if you can do that while mobile, perhaps in front of your customer, then all the better
Collaboration. The greater the degree of interaction with your customers during meetings, the more value you both get out of their (and your) precious time
Access. If you can demonstrate your product or service to your customer on your tablet or smartphone, you also demonstrate that they can use your product service on their mobile device too
Profitability. The fully engaged, fully connected sales person greatly increases their sales velocity while reducing the cost of acquisition
We learned a lot of this when we focused on mobile as part of the recent release of Dealmaker on the iPad. If your business is the business of involved B2B sales, then you too should consider giving your sales people the same opportunity to interact with the grid when moving as they enjoy when they’re stationary.