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Ian Golding: Making CX Change Happen

“That’s Our Policy” — The Secret Killer of Customer Experiences

It may not surprise you, but I am not the world’s easiest customer to deal with! If Golding family outings were observed from afar,...

The Power of Partnership: Enabling Action Through Collaboration

This is not the first article I have written about collaboration. Regular followers of my ramblings will have seen the words, "silo" and "cross-functional"...

The Accidental Customer Experience

I often write my blog posts and articles whilst travelling on either a train or an aeroplane. Although I can also be found hunched...

Transform or Die! Business Transformation is No Longer Optional

We live in a business world full of disruption. Whether you work in financial services, manufacturing, logistics or retail, no business today can ignore...

The Interconnected Employee-Customer Chain. Are Your Customer Experiences Supported by ALL Employees, Partners, and Suppliers?

I am extremely fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to share my knowledge and passion all over the world. This year, the number of...

Understanding the Employer Journey — The Employee Engagement Loop

Last week I had a fascinating conversation with a peer of mine – a fellow Customer Experience Professional. James Dodkins is as passionate about...

Customer Centric Leadership: Are You Investing in the Organisational “Ecosystem” or Your Personal “Egosystem”?

In last month’s column, I asked the question, ‘Are you a Leader or a Follower?’ The question was a precursor to defining why Customer...

Are You a Leader of a Follower? Why Customer Experience Needs Good, Strong Leadership

People regularly share stories with me that inspire my writing. This story is of a young lady...

Is Your Organisation “Ready” to Become Customer Centric? The Customer Experience Readiness Scale

Have you ever wondered whether there is really any hope for your organisation? Have you ever turned...

6 Things All Customer Centric Leaders Do

Looking back through my articles over the last few months, a great number have made the connection...

Connecting People: The Key to Customer Centric Leadership

Over the last 22 years, I have worked in and with businesses of all shapes and sizes,...

How Getting Recognition and Building Authority Can Advance Your Customer-Centric Culture

When I first conceived the idea for the article I wrote in my exclusive CustomerThink column in...

Communication — Essential to Creating and Sustaining a Customer-Centric Culture

Over the last few months, I have been exploring in detail my perspective on seven ‘tips’...

How to Ensure Customer Experience is a Key Element of Your Business Strategy

This month, in my exclusive column for CustomerThink, I continue to explore in detail my perspective on ...

Engaging Your People in Improvement Activity: 6 Key Questions

In this, my exclusive column for CustomerThink, I continue to explore in detail my perspective on seven...

Experience the Experience: Walking in the Shoes of Your Customers and Employees

For my first column of 2017, I continue to explore my tips to create a customer-centric culture....

How to Embed a Customer Experience Framework

In my exclusive column for CustomerThink in October, I shared my ‘top tips’ for creating the right...

How to Make Customer Experience a Priority for the Whole Company

In my exclusive column for CustomerThink last month, I shared my "top tips" for creating the right...

Top 7 Tips to Create a Customer-Centric Culture

As customer experience has become increasingly recognised as a thing of tangibility, so has the need to adopt and embed...

Technical Competence & Organisational Clarity: The Two Pillars of Customer-Centric Leadership

Even the best specialists in their fields of work; the most experienced; the most decorated; will continuously look for ways...

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