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Jeanne Bliss

Jeanne Bliss
Jeanne Bliss was a CCO for 25 years, and now runs CustomerBliss where she leads customer experience transformation around the world with CCOs and the C-Suite. She is a co-founder of the Customer Experience Professionals Association. Her two best-selling books are Chief Customer Officer and I Love You More Than My Dog. Her newest book is Chief Customer Officer 2.0 - How To Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine.

Review the Ten Customer Leadership Aptitudes

A successful Chief Customer Officer can: Bring folks together who don’t normally work together. Establish clarity out of the complexity that surrounds who does what…

Repair the Emotional Connection When Things Go Wrong

By suspending fear and taking a leap of faith that customers get that we are human and mistakes sometimes happen,  beloved companies  solve the...

How to Connect Customer Experience to Business Growth

The work of the Chief Customer Officer is about building the business through the growth of customer profitability and company revenue. In order to connect...

What Could You Become If You Stopped Acting Like the Competition?

When clarity of purpose steers your decision making, you uncover standard industry practices that you can shed. Can you identify legacy practices that worked...

Is There Clarity about Your Unique Purpose in Customers’ Lives?

Are your employees clear about what you deliver to your customers and why its different?Would ten random employees in your company give the same...

The Difference between the “Everyday” Company and the “Beloved” Company

Clarity of purpose means having a definition of what experience your will deliver. The “Everyday” company sells cups. The “Beloved” company supports parenthood. Beloved...

Are You a Part of the Story in Your Customers’ Lives?

Beloved companies revel in being real. Their humanity and authenticity set them apart. You have an opportunity to touch customers in their lives and create...

Decide to Be Real and Act with Humanity

Beloved companies blend their personal instincts with their business decisions. They become beloved because of how they connect with customers. Their humanity comes through...

Can Your Front Line Rescue Customers?

Do you give the front line folks a seat at the table to identify when they need to go the extra mile?And do you...

How to Optimize Customer Feedback

Optimizing customer feedback is one of the most straightforward ways to garner the momentum for customer focus, yet most companies don’t do it in...

Your Values are on Stage When You Make a Mistake

How you apologize is your humanity litmus test.  How you remove the pain and make peace with your customers shows the true colors of...

Would You Pass Zappos’ Culture Test for Commitment?

Do you hire people who fit the soul of your company?Do you encourage those who don’t to leave?If you don’t, everything you’re building is...

Tools to Evaluate Your Customer Experience Stages

How purposeful is your company in working together to determine the experience it delivers to customers? All too frequently the customer experience is the...

Audit Your Performance: How Do You Believe?

Belief is a core competency in beloved companies. Evaluate your company’s ability to believe, and then determine how close you are to becoming a company...

Do You Trust Your Customers and Employees?

Beloved companies believe their customers and employees. This trust enables a company to encourage innovation and partnership. A beloved company gets rid of the...

It’s More than Action, it’s Intent and Motivation

Many companies try to copy the actions that result from beloved companies' decisions. The fact of the matter is decisions that earn customer love...

Are Your Customers Telling a Beloved Company Story?

Beloved companies blend commerce with their humanity, they blend their personal lives with their business lives, and they make decisions that are congruent with...

Why Simplicity Sofas is a Beloved Company

Simplicity Sofas is a beloved company and their customer service philosophy is very simple: They do whatever it takes to surprise and delight customers. They…

Eight Actions that Ensure Chief Customer Officer Success

Hiring a Chief Customer Officer signals that something is being done for the customers. It gets precariously close to letting the president make a...

Find Out How Much Rock Pushing You Need To Do

Download the 26-page Reality Check Audit (You'll need about 30 minutes for the exercise.) The Reality Check Audit covers the seven dimensions of building...

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