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Todd Youngblood

Todd Youngblood
Todd Youngblood is passionate about sales productivity. His 3+ year career in Executive Management, Sales, Marketing and Consulting has focused on selling more, better, cheaper and faster. He established The YPS Group, Inc. in 1999 based on his years of experience in Sales Process Engineering – that is, combining creativity and discipline in the design, implementation and use of work processes for highly effective sales teams.

Do you speak the universal language of business?

Communication is one of the obvious cornerstones of a successful sales career. You need to speak the language of the country where...

OK, You’re Right. Change is NOT Necessary

No, I haven't gone soft in the head. I've just decided to change (pun intended) my strongly held belief regarding the absolutely essential,...

Be a Why-ner!

What is your best question when you are engaging a customer through your selling process and their buying process? Even though I am no...

Using Twitter To Enhance Your Selling Skills

If you think Twitter is only for kids and letting others know what you're having for breakfast, think again. I'm using it pretty...

All Sales Reps Will Blog (

The first draft of this post started with the recommendation that all sales reps should start a blog. After pondering a bit on...

Creating Value By Learning Faster

Why are you successful? What is the root cause of your success? Do you know? Have you ever thought about it seriously? I...

Credit Where Credit Is Rarely Due

Three cheers for Delta Airlines Flight Attendant Craig Lee. That would specifically be the Craig Lee on Delta Flight # 1620 from MSP...

Implementing V1 Of Your E-Rep

If you're a sales rep , you must have an electronic alter-ego, an E-Rep. If you need more convincing, use this blog's...

A Salute To Creativity And Customer Focus

Ingenuity and creativity are everywhere. No matter what the obstacle, somebody will figure out a way to deliver what the customer wants.

Sales Food For Thought

Well worth the listen. A discussion about “Targeting” and other sales tools, techniques and research from a friend of The YPS Group Frank...

Dunbar’s Number. Should A Sales Rep Care?

According to British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, 150 is the "cognitive limit to the number of individuals with whom any one person can maintain stable...

A Year Old Sales Best Practice Probably Isn’t

If the sales practices you use on a regular basis are the same ones you were using last year or 2, 3, 5, 10...

Remember KISS? (Are you sure???)

Sometimes the “obvious” is not so obvious. What seems perfectly clear to me – because I work with it day in and day...

Little Things Can Make A Huge Difference (Ask Beethoven)

We all know it's true. Little things really can make a huge difference. But we all cut corners – all the time....

Help ’em learn faster to sell more

There was a time when I believed that teaching and selling were virtually the same thing. In many ways they are similar, and...

“Funnel” vs. “Incubator”

Friendly violent debates are really a lot of fun. They're also the best way to practice selling complex ideas. Fortunately for...

Customer Focus Mexico-Style

I've blogged before about the work ethic displayed by my client in Mexico. They also have an innate sense of customer-centricity that can...

Learn From Those In Other Fields

Because there's SO much great content available these days, it can be difficult to remember that we can – make that must – take...

“The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”

The title of this post is a quote from William Gibson. Whoda' thunk a science fiction writer would have such a compelling insight...

Too Many Sales Reps Are Wimps

In general, sales reps represent themselves as a pretty tough, resilient, independent bunch. I'm not so sure about that. Virtually every time I work...

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