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Jill Konrath

Jill Konrath
Jill Konrath is the best-selling author of SNAP Selling and Selling to Big Companies. She helps sellers crack into new accounts and win business with crazy-busy prospects. She's a popular speaker at annual sales meetings and professional conferences.

3 Ways to Unlock Your True Value Proposition

So how does your value proposition look? Can you describe what you do in terms of tangible business results? Do you have documented success...

[Video] Rapport Building Technique That Puts Prospects at Ease

I wish all my prospects were just like me. It would be so much easier to sell to them. But, that's not the case....

[Video] Why You Need to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone More Often

I'll never forget the last talent show I was in. We were at a family church camp. My then 8 year old son insisted...

Examples of What To Say When Prospecting

To get sales meetings, the business value of your offering must be crystal clear. A while back, I had lunch with the president of...

Examples of What NOT to Say When Prospecting

If you're selling to the corporate market, one of the biggest challenges youencounter is getting face time with decision makers. Corporate buyers, after years of...

[Video] The Best Way to Handle Sales Rejection

What's the best way to handle sales rejection? I don't know about you, but I've hated it from the day I got into selling. Some...

Elevator Speech vs. Unique Selling Proposition vs. Value Proposition

Without a strong value proposition, it's much harder to sell your products or services in today's economy, much less even get in the door...

[Video] Your Inadvertent Business Jargon May Be Confusing Prospects

Could you possibly be confusing your prospects with business jargon? I'm sure you wouldn't do it intentionally, but if you don't pay close attention...

[Video] Dealing With Fear When You’re Selling

If you're selling, you're most likely experiencing fear. I say that, because I've dealt with it my entire professional career. I've worried about meeting...

Simple Strategy to Turn Lost Sales Into Sales Success

The other day I was at the Olive Garden talking to a prospective client over lunch. He was telling me about all the challenges...

[Video] The Only Sales Letter You’ll Ever Need to Write

If you're like most sellers, you want to create the perfect message -- one that your prospects will read and immediately pick up the...

[Video] 4 Critical Questions to Outsmart Your Sales Competition

What if you were at risk of losing your best customer? It's time to get your thinking cap out again. I'm here to stretch you...

Leveraging LinkedIn Connections

Connections matter. Big time. Recent research from Reachable.com shows just how much it impacts you're ability to get a callback from a "stranger." In...

[Video] The Two Words That Matter Most in Sales

I was reading a non-sales related blog post the other day when suddenly I came to a screeching halt. Two words jumped out at...

3 Tips to Get The Best Response From LinkedIn Inmail

Since publishing my two free ebooks Cracking the LinkedIn Sales Code and LinkedIn Sales Secrets Revealed, I get asked tons of question about how...

[Video] Why Your Biggest Sales Opportunities Probably Won’t Close

I want you to think about all those prospects you're planning to close this month. Pretty confident that you'll get their business? Well, I've got...

Turn Your Business Competition Into Valuable Allies

I used to hate my direct competitors—every last one of them. They were evil. They were after me, trying to steal my best prospects...

Get an MBA in Selling

The room was filled to capacity. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the conference to start. And I was so excited to finally hear Harvey...

[Video] The Power of a Pessimistic Sales Strategy

Although I'm naturally an optimistic person, I truly believe in the power of pessimism. I don't care what all those self-help gurus tell you....

LinkedIn Connections With Customers Leads to More Business

In our 2013 Sales & LinkedIn Survey, we found out lots of great info on how top sellers are leveraging LinkedIn. (Download Cracking the...

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