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Glenn Pasch

Glenn Pasch
Glenn Pasch is currently the CEO & partner of PCG Digital Marketing,which works with executive management and internal teams to develop new strategies around Digital Marketing initiatives that will enable businesses to achieve their desired objectives and priorities.

Who Moved My Business to this “Social” Town?

All businesses need to take a moment to become aware of a trend happening right under their noses. We are heading back to a...

“We Gather Together to Pay our Last Respects to Your Business”

Right now, hundreds of consumers are looking for the product or service you provide in your area. These same people are having a hard time...

Is Your Business in a State of Wedded Bliss?

This past weekend I was honored to attend a friend's wedding and in listening to the couple's story on how they met you could...

You Are the Message, Stupid

Many of us may remember the famous campaign message Bill Clinton used. "It is the economy, stupid!" So to all of you running a business,...

Are You a Marketing Sniper?

I recently read the autobiography of Chris Kyle, the most lethal sniper in US military history. What struck me was his description of...

Digital Marketing Is Still Marketing

Too many times when marketing managers or sales managers begin to focus on digital marketing they become confused with what they have to do....

The 4 “B”s of Great Customer Retention

There is an age-old truth in business that it is easier to keep a client than to find a new one. The one problem...

Are You Buying It to Look Cool?

I was a working actor in New York City for many years. While I was networking or on the audition circuit, I was always...

So You Have a Review Platform

For many of you who have followed my writings or have seen me speak, you have heard me talk about the Zero Moment of...

Customer Service is a VERB

According to Wikipedia the definition of customer service is: "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction –...

Do Your Customers Know What you Do?

As we head towards the end of Q1 in 2013, I asked my team to reach out to customers to ask the question, "What...

Are You Looking Past Your Best Employee?

Look at your team. Let me describe one of your members and see if you can spot them. They are not the most vocal of...

Everyone Should Deliver Luxury Service

Recently I was re-reading an article in Automotive News from December 31st, written by Diana T. Kurylko about how luxury brands are stepping up...

The Most Important Strategy For Your Business in 2013

In the immortal words of Pete Townsend of The Who: Who are you? I really want to know Who are you? I bring this up…

Is Your Management Style a One Way Street?

In the November issue of T&D magazine, there was an infographic discussing how some employees feel bullied at their job. Immediately the image of...

Keeping That Holiday Attitude all Year Long

Happy Holidays!! Wishing you the best this season! Hope Your Days are filled with cheer! So say all of the holiday cards that adorn our…

What To Do With “Big Data”?

Over the past few weeks, articles I have read and some events I have attended have been focusing on the theme of "Big Data." Multiple...

Does Your Vision Match Reality?

Take a moment. Close your eyes and picture what you would like your business to look like. If you could do what you...

What’s Behind That Visionary?

We are all enamored with the visionary. They are celebrated as groundbreakers, courageous and responsible for many of the things we take for granted...

Are You Hiding From Reality?

As I speak to many different groups throughout the year, one common trend I see is that many owners of businesses, managers of department...

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