Too many times when marketing managers or sales managers begin to focus on digital marketing they become confused with what they have to do. Their first thought is that all of their previous experience in sales or marketing has to completely change in order to be successful online. In my opinion, this is the wrong assumption.
You are still marketing. You are still following a sales process. What has changed is that you now have a new medium to push out your message. I have previously discussed that if you do not have your message clearly defined you cannot craft an online message that ties into all of your traditional marketing. Your overall marketing becomes a patchwork of ads that do more to confuse your customers than add value each time they see your message.
I recommend that everyone who begins the digital journey should utilize someone to help guide him or her through the myriad of changes on the web. They need someone to help them understand the similarities and differences the web presents in terms of marketing or lead handling. One of the first things that new online marketers need to embrace is that we are using another company’s product (search engines) and there are inherent rules that need to be followed.
One of the questions we are constantly asked in terms of marketing your message is the age-old question of quality vs. quantity.
My answer has not changed. Context always is important. Marketing 101.
Here are the three things you need to ask yourself:
- What are you saying?
- Why are you saying it?
- What do you want your audience to do?
This seems simple, but it is even more important right now. There is such a glut of choices and options that people are looking for great content to engage with.
The answer of how much volume has changed since updates to Google for some because people gamed the system and just threw out volumes of content thinking this would work. It did to a degree. It may have gotten you to the top of Page One, but when someone read the content, was it impactful enough to get him or her to click or engage? Google has now forced the issue to make everyone focus is back on the basics of good quality content.
Your goal as a marketing manager is to create a message that can stand out because it is well thought out and fits with who you are as a company. Create as much great content that supports your message and, in turn, fill your sales pipeline with interested consumers.
One thing to remember is to utilize your social networks to amplify your message. Create a great message that people will want to share. If your content isn’t high quality, your network will tire of you asking them to put their reputation on the line by sharing substandard content.
Remember that quality content has always reigned supreme. It is even more necessary now.