- Top 10 Internet Marketing Trends for 2011 from digdugmedia.
- Highlights include increases in Local, Mobile and a bold prediction that Video will lead to the death of TV.
- Top Ten Internet & Search Marketing Trends for 2011 from WebSeoAnalytics.
- Predictions call for increased emphasis on Link Building, increased budgets for SEO, continued increase in Social Media, especially “community engagement strategies”.
- The bold prediction here is that Google will begin losing market share to innovative search engines such as Blekko.
- Future Internet Marketing Trends for 2011 by Christopher Terterian.
- He foresees a continuation of 2010 trends and calls out Social Commerce such as Groupon.
- Localization such as FourSquare and Gowalla.
- The rise of tablets and other mobile devices.
- Bold prediction – Google v. Facebook War
- Top 5 Marketing Trends for 2011 from Atomic Email Marketing Blog. Here’s 5 trends that I too believe are at the top of the list.
- Embrace Social Media Marketing – Facebook Places, Google Places, Foursquare, Linkedin
- Engagement is King – using content to engage people
- Video Content
- Mobile Marketing on the Move
- Open source and the cloud make web marketing easier
- Web Design Trends in 2011 by Web Design Ledger.
- More CSS 3 and HTML5
- Simple Color Schemes — a la Web 2.0 web design
- Mobile Ready – web designs that port to mobile devices
- Parallax Scrolling – gotta read it to understand it
- Depth Perception – design to create dimension
- Large Photographic Backgrounds – grab your attention
- TBH Creative has some spot on predictions in Web Design Trends for 2011
- 3D Effects
- Hand Drawn and Cartoon Images
- Large Header Banners
- Typography
- One Page Layouts
- Minimalism
- BIG SEO Footers
Be sure to check out the links to read more detail about the upcoming trends.