In case you thought I was going to cheat you out of some CRM Evolution 2011 goodness, I’ve decided to post some links to interviews I gave during the conference. Aren’t you thrilled?
This one is with Lauren Carlson, CRM analyst with Software Advice. While the interview itself is mostly me talking, we actually had quite a good discussion about social CRM and its various aspects. I encourage you to keep an eye on her and her colleagues.
David Sparks got me on camera for Zoho, talking about—what else?—small and medium business, Zoho’s wheelhouse. The link to my interview is here, but take a look at the right sidebar too—there are a ton of interviews from the conference there as well, with some of the best minds in business.
I have come to realize that my face and voice make me ideally suited to a writing-heavy career. Far be it from me to turn down a chance to go multimedia, though. I actually like giving interviews, even when (like these) I’ve had no prep time.
Lastly, for the five people reading this who don’t get the reference, here’s a final video (the first ever broadcast on MTV, back when they did music videos) explaining this post’s title.