Is there a difference between a collaborative environment in social media versus a cooperative one?
The definition of collaborative is to …
Work with another or others on a joint project.
The definition of cooperative is…
“Done in cooperation with others”, “a cooperative effort is marked by willingness to cooperate; compliant”
How does this apply to social media?
We can see the action words in this being “to work with another” and ”done with others”…Pretty simple, right? The essence of social media is content driven conversations fueled by the exchange and sharing of ideas, of thoughts and points of views with others. Isn’t it evident that the two words are interchangeable in the world of social media? Looking toward 2011 and beyond though, we can also see that those 2 words also add a texture, or an additional layer of meaning to the world of social media and will continue to futher define the space that we all continue to play in.