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Mickey Lonchar

Mickey Lonchar
Mickey Lonchar has spent the better part of two decades creating award-winning advertising with agencies up and down the West Coast, Mickey currently holds the position of creative director with Quisenberry Marketing & Design, a full-service advertising and interactive shop with offices in Spokane and Seattle, Wash.

Listen up.

One of the most under appreciated aspects of social media and how it can affect your marketing is how they give you the ability...

Newsflash: “Guerilla” is not another word for “cheap.”

If you are interested in exploring guerilla marketing (or, if you prefer, non-traditional marketing) because you're committed to creating something outrageous, standing out from...

Why not create a ‘branded experience’?

Every day, we have dozens or even hundreds of transactional experiences with products, businesses or organizations. Everything from using their products, to visiting their...

Creativity vs. Clarity.

One of the many marketing newsletters I received this week came from Marketing Sherpa. The guest-written main article was a lesson on crafting the...

The new ‘Buyer’s Path.’

Here's a stat that oughta make any marketer in her right mind reach for the Pepto: a survey conducted by CEB's Sales Executive Council...

Should Harley Davidson make a scooter?

Dumb question, right? When you think "Harley Davidson," chances are you think "authentic biker," or "classic road cycles" or even "loud," "tattoos and leather"...

What a transparent Facebook would look like.

Do you think the idea that Amazon can recommend books, videos and products to you based on your interests is a good thing? Do...

The 30-Hour-A-Day Consumer.

If it seems like you're cramming more into a 24-hour day than ever, you could be on to something. "Multi-tasking" is a concept that's taken...

The Essence of Creativity.

If I hand you a brick and ask, "How many uses can you think of for this?," you'll probably come back to me with...

Why create a campaign when you can create a movement?

Let's say you run the credit card division at American Express. To build revenue (and profits) for your division, you need to do three...

Fun Facts on Facebook Fans From Forrester.

Clever alliteration aside, are your Facebook fans more likely to purchase your products or services? Does their engagement level with you translate to higher...

The procrastinator’s guide to the (new) Facebook.

Facebook pages have undergone quite a makeover in recent months, but the Granddaddy makeover of them all happens tomorrow, March 30, when Facebook automatically...

What’s your Mona Lisa?

The Musée du Louvre in Paris houses over 35,000 pieces of art from pre-history through the Medieval and Renaissance eras on through the works...

The accidental inventor.

The generally accepted wisdom about innovation goes something like this: an inventor begins with a particular problem in mind (for Edison, as an example,...

The prescription for Komen’s headache: Tylenol.

The Susan G. Komen/Planned Parenthood debacle of the past few weeks has been painful to watch. Forget the politics, the pushback and the apologies....

Five resolutions to make in the New Year.

Got room on your list for one more resolution for the upcoming year? If you're a marketer, you won't go wrong picking one of...

Where Pepsi got it wrong, Coke got it right.

I'm talking about the soft drink marketers' uses of Social Media here. As you may recall, Pepsi was one of the first big-name marketers to...

The pleasure of anticipation.

Think back to some purchase you've made that entailed a decent degree of planning, research and preparation. Maybe it was for a new house,...

The most bang for your Social Media buck

So which Social Media platforms are most worth your time? That's a question a lot of us in marketing have been asking for the past...

Mass media marketing is dead. Not.

I read a blog post a few days ago that gave voice to something I believe a lot of new media types—especially those with...

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