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Marc Meyer

Marc Meyer
As a Digital and Social Media strategist and CEO for Digital Response Marketing Group, Marc Meyer has been able to take technology, marketing and the world of all things digital and simplify it in a way that makes sense not only for the SMB owner, but also the discerning C-suite executive of a Fortune 500 company.

What Was Your Enchanted Moment?

I'd like to think that we've all had "enchanted" moments in this space. I have had at least two, maybe three. The space I'm...

Corning Creates an Impactful and Viral Video

Watch this video from Corning. When I first saw it, I was amazed at what was possible with glass and then what caught my...

Monetizing Facebook

Let's look at three situations. We've all been wondering either on the behalf of the company's we work for, or the clients we serve, or...

The Relevance of my Online Relationships has Risen.

Game changer alert! It's not what Google knows anymore. It's now going to be about who you know, who you are connected to, and...

Social Media Conundrum #12: Justin Bieber is popular, but he’s not influential?

I can't believe I'm going to weigh in on this, but I saw a tweet from a notable social media analytics consultant in which...

Content is under scrutiny? It’s about time.

Creation, curation and aggregation. We all probably fall into one of those categories. We do one of those. I do. I don't dispute blog...

On Brand Experience

When I was in grade school, one Christmas in particular stood out for me but not for the reasons you might think. My parents...

Brands are still not taking Twitter Seriously

I'm not nitpicking. But let's talk about social media icons. We're starting to see them on everything. Specifically the Twitter and Facebook icons. Just...

There are no take backs in social media

Originally I was going to write about how NFL players not playing this past Sunday were tweeting during the NFC championship game about ...

Who Can You trust?

The Edelman Trust Barometer version 2011 came out recently and buried in the presentation deck are 2 slides I want you to check out. Here's...

The Implied Participation of Social Media

If you're new to social media marketing, you might feel like you're a little late to the game. In a sense, if you are...

On Influence and Bad Blog Posts

I like differing opinions, thoughts and comments. I think it's good to have a variety of thought. No one likes a yes man right?...

What Does Fully Engaged Mean?

Earlier this week, Ants Eye View posted The Cisco Social Media Listening Journey. It was interesting to see Cisco's evolution But I was struck more…

The propensity to Repeat in Social Media

It's not just social media. Create a killer product, expect knock-offs. I used to say that you truly haven't made it until you have...

The Biggest Trend in 2011? Our Continued Laziness.

Why do you think YouTube is the #2 search engine in thw world? Did you know that it was? Some of you might...

Highlighting the Social-ness in Social Media this Holiday Season

A few weeks ago I was selected as one of the Top Social Media Strategists to Watch in 2011. That was cool in that...

The Takeaway from Social Media in 2010

Online privacy means a lot to us, but for a majority of us, it's only important when we know our privacy has been...

Social Media: What’s Right, What’s Wrong, and What’s Next?

They’re coming. The lists are coming, the predictions, the opinions and the trends-all those juicy posts that populate the month of December, they’re coming....

Our Shifting Notion of Search, Social and Mobile.

10 years ago seems so 10 years ago in the world of search, social and mobile. We’ve definitely evolved and rightly or wrongly so...

I’m pulling for Detroit

This post really doesn’t have much to do with social media but it could, easily. You see, I’ve been in Detroit for the last...

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