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Eoin Keenan

Eoin Keenan
Media and Content Manager at Silicon Cloud. We help businesses to drive leads and build customer relationships through online marketing and social media. I blog mainly about social media & marketing, with some tech thrown in for good measure. All thoughts come filtered through other lives in finance, ecommerce, customer service and journalism.

Blogging for Business? 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Selling

When you start out blogging for business, you'll keep falling into this trap over and over. You'll set out to write an exciting and...

5 Reasons HubSpot Hasn’t Turned You Into a Content Marketing Machine

Creating marketing people love. It's a great idea. A lot of traditional marketing methods work in spite of the fact that a lot of...

5 Digital Marketing Content Ideas to Unleash the Power of Comments

Most of us have a real love/hate relationship with our Facebook timelines. The people we love often appear in a timeline that we hate....

Your Social Media Content is Just Too Boring

Do you find people yawn when you talk? Do they nod and smile while their eyelids droop? No? That's funny; they do when they...

3 Ways Obama’s Digital Marketing Won the Internet and the Election

No change this time. President Obama keeps his place in the White House for another four years and yet again, social media has played...

6 Chances For Your Email Marketing to Fail

But we did everything right!' Does that sound familiar? It's the kind of thing people often say just after they've done something wrong. They...

Content Marketing Ideas for Insurance: 7 Questions to Ask Yourself

Content marketing is hard to get away from. It's the marketing buzzword that has defined 2012 and it's probably the second biggest influence on...

Building an Online Presence: The 5 Ages of Apple.com

On this blog, and on many others around the web you see many references to building an online presence and developing your brand identity....

The 3 Personalities of Your Social Media Engagement

There's a simple trick that most marketers use to make their social media engagement more efficient. They use automation and social integration to turn...

4 Content Marketing Tricks and Treats

It's Halloween, which means you'll spend most of today wading through bad horror puns and references to ghosts and goblins. We're not going to...

4 Email Marketing Rules American Apparel Followed in The Worst Way

There's a hurricane heading for the East Coast of the United States, you are a marketer for one of the country's biggest brands; what...

What is Digital Marketing, Really?

Digital marketing is something that every business is advised to do, but not many businesses fully understand. It's one of those catchall phrases that...

6 Shareable Social Media Marketing Ideas For Insurance Agents

You need to be on Facebook, and Twitter, and LinkedIn…. and maybe Pinterest. When you get advice on social media marketing, you often end...

3 Reasons Companies Aren’t Engaging in Online Content Marketing

When you use Twitter for work, you find yourself hit with a lot of statistics. Twitter is a great place to share content and...

3 Shocking Social Media

Your company has just dropped a huge clanger. Your logo's blasted across every news outlet and you're getting torn to shreds on twitter. That's...

Is Your Website Killing Your Inbound Marketing? Part I

What's the most important part of your company's website? Web designers would naturally argue it's the design, while marketers would insist that it's the...

Part II: Is Your Website Killing Your Closed Loop Marketing?

In yesterday's blog post we discussed the ways your website could be ruining your inbound marketing. In the post, we highlighted the importance of...

Is Your Website Killing Your Inbound Marketing?

What's the most important part of your company's website? Web designers would naturally argue it's the design, while marketers would insist that it's the...

Why Insurance Marketing Should Include these 3 Social Media Channels

Social media marketing is an often-misunderstood phrase. People usually see social media as the equivalent of a roadside billboard. It can access a huge...

4 Social Media Evaluation Metrics More Important than Likes

This week was supposed to be a big week for social media evaluation. It was supposed to be the week when everyone's social media...

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