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Cheryl Hanna

Cheryl Hanna
Service Untitled
Cheryl Hanna is a successful real estate sales person in Florida and has used her customer service knowledge and experience to set her apart and gain a competitive edge in a very difficult market. Cheryl has been writing professionally since 1999 and writes for several blogs and online publications

Accountability in customer service

Accountability in customer service is our ability to account for our business actions and decisions. It is our willingness to show our customers that...

Airlines customer satisfaction showing improvement

Airlines continue to test our patience and tolerance with new fees. How does a summer surcharge ranging from $10 to $30 sound? According to...

Will customers pay extra for superior customer service?

According to BIGresearch, a Ohio based online market researcher, customers will pay for good service ahead of price if given the chance. Superior customer...

Book Review: Exceeding Customer Expectations

I just finished reading Kirk Kazanjian's book Exceeding Customer Expectations which follows the humble beginnings of the 50 year old Enterprise Rent-A-Car business, which...

More customer service thank you notes

Sending out thank you notes for either services or products give a company another chance to contact the customer. Any company that has spent...

Promotional products say thank you to your customers

Everybody loves free stuff. No matter how successful we are, the idea of getting something for nothing just has a way of promoting goodwill...

Bring customer service call centers back to the US

If you have ever called customer service for almost any product or service, chances are that your call ended up in another country. American...

How SEO can help customer service

When you have a new online business, how others see you or even find you are of vital importance. When few internet users know...

Let Twitter help provide customer service

What used to be just for techies, Twitter has now evolved into a cheap and easy solution to enhance customer service. Ideally it should...

Customer service technology can monitor your emotions

Just imagine being a customer service representative and having the ability to read and monitor a customer's emotions so you know exactly what to...

Yes, the customer is always right!

I won't reveal my name, but I am a customer and may very well be or have been a customer of yours. I want...

Customer satisfaction due to tire wear issue

Tire Kingdom started in 1972 in a small stall at the West Palm Beach Farmer's Market. There they would sell tires on consignment ranging...

Promoting a small business through excellent customer service

Karen has a new online business selling custom dog collars, matching leashes, and dog accessories. She uses designer-like fabrics at discounted prices so you...

Patient satisfaction and customer service

Dealing with angry patients and their families can be extremely difficult. Many times the disability or the illness itself can leave patients anxious, demanding...

Customer appreciation demonstrated by thank you notes

This morning was the closing of one of my real estate properties that had been listed for nearly a year before it finally...

Finding your first customers using great customer service

The hardest part of succeeding in a new business is finding those first customers. An integral part of your business plan then is to...

Customer feedback; an important tool for success

Ask a customer what they want from your company or service, and they will tell you. This morning I went to the hairdresser, and...

Little things make a difference for customer satisfaction

<img style="float:left; margin-right: 10px" src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2778/4533951609_bd55451e22_m.jpg" width="240" height="238" /> I distinctly remember the last time I received poor customer service; it was last week when I…

Get more real estate deals with customer service basics

In real estate sales, we depend on technology to help us reach our new customers and clients. The popular online website Realtor.com which is...

The paradox of customer service

Does a company have to be the "world's best" when it comes to customer service? Sometimes striving to be at the pinnacle of greatness...

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