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Bob Hayes

Bob Hayes, PhD
Bob E. Hayes, PhD (Business Over Broadway) is a scientist, blogger and author on CXM and data science (TCE: Total Customer Experience, Beyond the Ultimate Question and Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty).

These 13 Customer Experience Practices will Improve Customer Loyalty

Figure 1. Customer Experience Leaders Outperform Customer Experience Laggards Adoption of customer experience (CX) best practices plays a significant role in the success of any company....

Where Can You Find Machine Learning Talent Among Data Scientists?

Data scientists have a variety of different skills that they bring to bear on Big Data projects. These skills cut...

Data Science: North America and EMEA Lead in Statistics and Math Proficiency

The AnalyticsWeek and Business Over Broadway Data Science Survey survey revealed regional differences in data science...

What are the Differences in Data Science Skills and Satisfaction Across Job Functions?

The AnalyticsWeek and Business Over Broadway Data Science Survey survey revealed job...

How Data Scientists Extract Value from Data [Infographic]

Building a successful data science program in your company relies on a good understanding of the data professionals who extract insights and value from data and how they...

Industry Differences in Data Science Roles, Skills and Project Outcomes

The AnalyticsWeek and Business Over Broadway Data Science Survey survey revealed industry differences in data science roles, proficiency in data science skills and satisfaction...

“Hybrid” Data Scientists are Key to Leading and Optimizing Analytics Efforts

The "hybrid" data scientist is one whose work reflects many different data science roles. Hybrid data...

Understanding Customer Survey Data: Descriptive, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics to Improve Customer Loyalty

Customer relationship surveys play a major role in helping improve the customer experience and increase customer loyalty. By gathering customer perceptions of their experience...

Are You Using the Right Tools for Your Big Data Projects?

Data scientists rely on tools/products/solutions to help them get insights from data. Gregory Piatetsky of KDNuggets conducts an annual survey...

When Does Education Level Matter in Data Science?

Data scientists are highly educated. In our study of data scientists, we found that over half of them, both men and women, hold either...

Data Science Skills Needed in a Big Data World

Last month, I wrote about the three skills needed to practice data science. Based on a factor analysis of many...

How IBM is Transforming Data Science

I am at the IBM InterConnect 2016 event in Las Vegas. While this event, IBM's largest (estimated 24,000 attendees!), is billed as a cloud...

For Data Scientists, Big Data is not so Big

In our study of data scientists, we found that only about a third of them possessed skills needed to handle big and distributed data. These...

The Most Important Skill in Data Science: Mining and Visualizing your Data

While data scientists have many resources in their tool belt, our research shows that proficiency with data mining and visualization tools consistently ranks as...

Why Data Science Needs Subject Matter Expertise: Data Have Meaning

In our Big Data world, we are awash in data. We have a lot of it. It comes at us quickly. And it comes...

3 Data Science Skills Needed to Get Value from Your Data

We live in a Big Data world where everything is being quantified. As a result, businesses are trying to make...

Making Sense of Our Big Data World: Samples, Populations and Sampling Error

As part of my series on Making Sense of Our Big Data World, today's post is on sampling error. See the overview, Making Sense...

Empirically-Based Approach to Understanding the Structure of Data Science

Based on a study of 620+ data professionals, we found that data science skills fall into three broad areas: domain expertise (in our case, business),...

10 Data Science Skills You Need to Improve Project Success

Last week, I identified the top skills across different data science professionals. The results of our survey of 620+ data professionals showed that, while data...

Top 10 Skills in Data Science

The practice of data science requires skills that fall into three general areas: business acumen, computer technology/programming and statistics/math. Depending on whom you ask,...

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