Many of our organizations have enterprise communication and collaboration systems in place. These systems are evolving and creating new communication possibilities. Yet, I continue to find education gaps as it relates to leadership, communication and human effectiveness education that is aligned with them. We are allowing our children to check into online portals to get fast feedback on their ‘tests’ yet we may not teach the foundations of respectful debate and critical thinking.
I have found the work of Dion Hinchcliffe useful to help people visual the pivot that has been taking place. He states, ” The pace of advance today can seem overwhelming.” I believe, a key thread that we must knit together as community facilitators is to invite individuals, teams, groups and organizations to look at our people, our processes and our technologies without judgment. We must look at them at be open to throwing out the past and inviting in new futures with brand new approaches, models and methods so that we can navigate our journey. I have found some people are reluctant to start over or re-invent within organizations. Perhaps it is too risky? Not sure, but what I do know is that talent will go to start ups and/or to a competitor in an effort to find a new environment that is more aligned with their preferred interaction style and culture.
I was inspired to article by John Kotter around change leadership. He states, “How does culture change? A powerful person at the top, or a large enough group from anywhere in the organization, decides the old ways are not working, figures out a change vision, starts acting differently, and enlists others to act differently.”