We like getting the fresh perspectives gained by examining service and the customer experience through new lens. And, Indiana Jones is clearly a great lens.
Dr. Jones was smart–a renowned scholar at a prestigious university. Customers enjoy service that demonstrates wisdom while helping them learn more. Dr. Jones was an archeologist—digging up artifacts to learn more about his subject. Great service providers work hard to unearth up-to-date intelligence about their customers’ needs, expectations, and aspirations.
Dr. Jones was a character. Not just in the literal sense of being a movie character, but in a flamboyant, passionate, and colorful way. Swashbuckling, bullwhip popping, and romance seeking, he wore his fedora like a brand. Great customer service needs the same sense of energy-attracting excitement. Finally, Indiana was super agile yet humble (“I hate snakes”) when things when wrong. Let the customer experience disappoint and service greats quickly resolve the problem and humbly work to return the customer relationship back to normal. How can deliver “Indiana Jones” style service?