Can you have a conversation with a business?
Although Social Media seems a natural fit for B2C marketing, as its about having a conversation with your customers, do the same rules apply for B2B marketing? Does “social” fit into corporate culture and communications between companies? Is there a role for social media in your customer retention strategy; when you’re trying to keep that big bit of business how can social media be used to improve your customer experience?
Mashable has put together a great resource of 13 Essential Social Media Lessons for B2B Marketers from the Masters with insights from the some of the most famous business bloggers on the web including Chris Brogan, Seth Godin and David Armano. There’s some great quotes and tips here that are valuable ammo for any debates within your organisation over whether you should be using social media to help improve your customer experience.
Seth Godin, as usual, puts it succintly “Social Media isn’t about you. It’s about them”
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