Who owns the largest share of voice on Twitter? Which brands are being spoken about the most?
Yesterday we looked at the levels of buzz the Top 20 global brands are receiving online. Today, I thought i’d point you towards a blog post by Brian Solis which reports on the top 20 brands that dominate conversation on Twitter. As you can see from the chart below, the Twitter platform itself dominates the conversation, whilst YouTube is second highest (though this is likely referencing videos within the site rather than the brand itself.
Brian goes into much more detail on his post, including sentiment analysis of the conversation around each brand. What is most interesting about this is the point Brian raises about the ‘neutral’ tweets about your organisation – tweets that are neither positive or negative towards your brand. Brian suggests that this is the area of the conversation you can have the most influence – helping to swing consumers towards a more positive perception of your organisation. Providing a 360 positive customer experience is one of the methods of influencing consumer perception – giving people a customer experience they want to talk about.
Check out the original post here – Report: Top 20 brands on Twitter – April 2010