Greetings. It’s the start of a new week and another chance to stand out from the crowd. But how will your company or organization make it happen?
Over the weekend, while buying natural and organic dog food at our local pet store (I sure hope our dog Ella appreciates it or can at least taste the difference), I found one possible clue to greater business success. The clue appeared in a large plastic crate filled with five adorable six-week-old puppies. Puppies who were obviously on a field trip to purchase some essential supplies. And as I and other customers marveled at their energy, enthusiasm, curiosity and total cuteness, I realized that practically everyone loves puppies. That doesn’t mean that everyone would love to have one or more live with them, but at least for a few minutes while out and about practically everyone thinks they are downright irresistable!
And wouldn’t it be nice if we could be downright irresistable too?
And why can’t we…with just a bit of creativity and innovation? Maybe, instead of trying so hard to have the best products, services and solutions, we should strive to have reasonable offerings backed up by our own enthusiastic, playful and adorable selves. Maybe, instead of having the lowest cost products, services and solutions, we should strive to offer the highest level of energy, enjoyment and total cuteness.
Maybe puppies have powerful insight to share about the real keys to success!
So as you approach the week ahead, why not spend a few moments figuring out what you can do to create a compelling “puppy effect.” And what it would take to get customers and prospects to stop dead in their tracks and want to connect with you–even if it’s only for a few minutes. Because in that few minutes you should be able to discover their real needs and let them know the real value of what you and your adorable organization have to offer.
We win in business and in life by being cuter than a bug’s ear. And by bringing moments of joy to those we have the privilege to serve.
P.S. Looking for some additional inspiration? The web is filled with more than enough sites and blogs devoted to puppies…