Techniques and Best Practices For Engaging Executives in Your CX Program


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Customer experience programs are at the forefront of business strategies today. With the customer providing a company its edge over competitors, any business that wants to last long must prioritize customer satisfaction, loyalty and experience.

While many business owners and executives understand this, it can be difficult to get top executives to fully invest in CX programs. Engaging them can be a challenge, but it is an essential step to transform your business into one that prioritizes customer experience.

To make them engaged, it is important to focus on the customer experience from the executive level. They should be informed of customer feedback and insights, and understand how they can help to improve their experience.

Why Engaging Executives in CX Matters

Here’s the short answer: By involving executives in the CX process, you can ensure that customer experience is a top priority for the organization.

What’s better, 59% of companies with a CEO who is involved in customer experience report higher revenue growth.

When executives are actively involved in the program, they can provide invaluable insights into customer needs and preferences, as well as help to ensure the program is properly resourced and staffed.

By making them involved, you can create a culture of customer-centricity that permeates the entire organization.

Techniques and Best Practices

Promote the Business Benefits

Executives will be more inclined to support CX programs if they see benefits to the business in doing so. Instead of just highlighting the importance of it, focus on how it can impact business performance in the areas executives prioritize. These are things like:

  • brand reputation
  • lead generation
  • customer lifetime value
  • market share

Doing this helps you connect the dots between your CX program and the executives’ bottom line.

Develop Empathy Maps

By applying data analysis and consumer insights, companies can develop empathy maps which outline the customer’s experience of interacting with a brand. Doing so creates a clear picture of where customers are being under-served, their goals, and pain points.

Executives can use empathy maps to understand the customer’s perspective, align business strategies and showcase how CX can offer returns on investment.

Establish Metrics

Top executives appreciate quantifiable metrics that can track the progress made in every CX initiative. Establishing metrics such as:

  • net promoter score (NPS)
  • client satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • customer effort score (CES)

and other key financial indicators can help executives see how CX is positively impacting the business. Metrics make it possible to measure performance and justify CX investments clearly.

Share Success Stories

Success stories are great motivators. By sharing successes and achievements from your CX program, your executives can see firsthand how the program is delivering results.

Provide executives with customer feedback analysis, campaign results as well as customer satisfaction scores, NPS, CSAT, and CES. Encourage them to speak directly to satisfied clients who have valued each engagement.


Dedicating resources, time and effort to implement successful CX programs in any business shows its commitment to customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business success. Engaging top executives in your CX program is crucial for achieving success, and using creative techniques and best practices can make it easier to get their buy-in.

By developing empathy maps, establishing metrics, promoting the business benefits, empowering employees, and sharing success stories, you can get the support you need to deliver an unbeatable customer experience your customers deserve.

Arkadiusz Terpiłowski
Arkadiusz is a co-founder of Primetric - one the biggest B2B SaaS in Poland for managing profitability and people workload for professional services firms. He also has experience in managing his own software development company. Currently, he is responsible for marketing and sharing his knowledge on making IT businesses more profitable.


  1. Great article! Engaging executives in CX programs is crucial for any business that wants to prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty. By involving executives in the CX process, companies can ensure that customer experience is a top priority for the organization. This can lead to higher revenue growth and a culture of customer-centricity that permeates the entire organization. The techniques and best practices mentioned in this article are very helpful in promoting the business benefits of CX programs. Thanks for sharing!

    Highest Regards,

    Michael Wichkoski


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