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Lynn Hunsaker: Customer Experience ROI Handbook

Customer-Centered Business: 10 Keys to Organic Growth

What is your business centered on? Investors, competition, innovation, or customers? The rule of the game is to follow the money. Sure, it comes...

How to Solve Customer Experience Silos

Customer experience silos are kryptonite, weakening your super-friendly staff, touch-points and designs. Smooth customer experiences require silo-solving across the customer journey. If your company...

Customer Experience Handoff Silos are the Heart of Success

One of the most profound discoveries from customer experience journey mapping is interdependencies across data, systems, channels, processes and people. Customers experience our companies...

8 Customer Experience Metric Silos Mask Momentum

Metrics selection can be the most pivotal decision you make in your customer experience management strategy. That's because what gets measured gets managed. There's...

Customer Experience Goal Silos Are Gotchas

Got it made with loyalty programs, voice-of-the-customer, first contact resolution, and CRM (customer relationship management)? Get a close look at the cost-benefit ratio, and...

Assailing Customer Experience Assumption Silos

You may assume that everyone in your company assumes the same thing about customers. Are you certain that customer-facing staff and non-customer-facing staff have...

Customer Experience Vision Dictates Value

Does your vision for customer experience match your customers' vision? If yes, then you're on your way to customer-centricity, and the growth touted by...

Customer Experience Management Prevents Process Silos

Customer journey mapping is an eye-opener about process gaps — especially when it spans the end-to-end customer life cycle. It's the job of customer...

Customer Experience Data Silos Demystified

We are in the data explosion era, and wrapping your head around all the in's and out's of data for smooth customer experience is...

Solving System Silos for Customer Experience Excellence

The irony of technology is that it's often marketed as customer experience management, yet it inevitably creates its own set of customer experience snafus....

Customer Experience Boggle Busters for Channel Silos

If you've ever had a mind-boggling experience when you used different ways to interact with a company, you're not alone. Less than 10% of...

Silo Detectives for Organizational Collaboration

Turf wars, personal agendas, politicking, and "not invented here" syndrome are common internal pains of organizational silos. It doesn't take a genius to recognize...

10 Silos Impact Customer Experience

Does your business have a silo detective? This might be the highest-ROI effort of your customer experience council, chief customer officer, chief operating officer...

Business-to-Business Customer Experience Strategy for 2016 & Beyond

Before you get carried away with patterning your business-to-business customer experience strategy on the latest shiny objects, here's a way to help you invest...

B-to-B Customer Journey Maps: New Wisdom

Business-to-business customer experience managers have some advantages: mountains of customer comments on-hand, account managers who practically live with their customer contacts, and executives who...

Making Transformational Changes through B2B Customer Experience Management

“Employee engagement drives transformational changes that enable you to have quality in everything you do,” explained Carolyn Muise, Vice President of Total Customer Experience...

Solving Complex Challenges through B2B Customer Experience

“We really want to make systemic and strategic changes that span the company, so we only tackle situations that our normal business-as-usual processes are...

Do Customers Experience Your Internal Collaboration — or Lack of It?

"Our clients helped us see that in some cases where we weren't collaborating, they would experience our lack of collaboration," said Senior Vice President...

Is Operations Involved in B2B Customer Experience?

How would you like to reduce customer churn by 27%, increase Net Promoter ScoreTM by 65%, and outperform competitors by 20% in sales, purchasing,...

Strategic Action on B2B Voice of the Customer

Strategic customer experience results require a strategic approach in the way we collect data and in the way we take action on it. Of...

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