Often, when asked a question by media, existing customers, or prospective customers, I find myself answering with some version of “It depends.”
What’s the biggest priority in 2012?
Should we begin a Social CRM initiative?
What’s the first thing we should do?
Which software solution should we buy and implement?
Where should we spend our marketing dollars?
Inputs like organizational competence, customer jobs to be done, organizational goals and strategies, cost structures, industry trends, the competitive landscape all influence answers to questions such as these. In other words, the proper direction as it relates to defining and executing organizational or customer strategies are highly contextual, and depend on a comprehensive analysis to determine the right course of action.
However, in speaking with and working with lots of organizations spanning industries from service to manufacturing to distribution in both B2B and B2C environments, there are some common things that customers want. If these were to be front and center on the mind of every senior executive, and every customer facing individual, the customer experience would be improved, and the organization would benefit.
The levers and weighting of each of these things may vary by industry and company, but odds are your organization would benefit from adopting these 6 tenets into the fabric of your organizational culture and DNA.