Life of Steven Paul Jobs (popularly called Steve Jobs), the co-founder, former Chairman and CEO of Apple Computers, who died recently has been described in glorious terms. In the past few days, much has been written about his life and legacy, and I don’t think I can add anything new to what has already been said.
But I will definitely add this, Steve Jobs was more than an innovator and a visionary. He was not Thomas Edison of our times as many have said. I think he was an artist – a Michelangelo or a Leonardo da Vinci of our times. Technology was his canvas and iMac, iPod, iPhone and IPad his masterpieces. He approached technology with an artist’s “open” mindset rather than a technologist’s or scientist’s “Do’s and Don’ts” conditioned approach. As a result, what he achieved is truly breathtaking and his creations speak for themselves. I don’t think we are going to see any one similar to him in our life-time. It is often said that those whom the gods love die young. This surely seems to be true in case for Steve Jobs.
During Stanford University’s commencement speech in 2005, he said that “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” So true. If only we can find a little bit of Steve Jobs within our heart and soul, our life will be so much richer and fulfilling!
Finally, to end this post I want to share this Bloomberg video on life and work of Steve Jobs. I am sure you will find it informative and inspiring. In case if you don’t see embedded video below, please click on this link for the video.
Rest in Peace Steve, you will be missed! You made it possible for me to video chat with my friends and family members on the other side of world at push of a button from a device that a 3 year old or a 85 year old person, and all age groups in between, find it not only easy to use, but also enjoy using it.