Author: Colin Shaw
Satmetrix, the Net Promoter Company, today released the 2010 European Net Promoter Industry Benchmarks for a variety of sectors across the UK, France and Germany.
Based on over 24,000 survey results, with 8.700 coming from the UK alone, the highest scoring companies by sector include First Direct, Saga, Sky, Virgin Media, O2, Apple and Sony. A company’s Net Promoter Score, is based on customers’ likelihood to recommend the company’s product or service to another. Obviously, the customer experience is a large influence on this likelihood to recommend with the study also reporting the impact of a poor customer experience:
It shows that 10 million consumers have switched suppliers in the last six months alone. What drove them to spend their hard-earned cash with a different supplier was a poor customer experience, with the main culprits being unfair fees or charges, poor product or service quality and rude or disinterested employees.
What I found most interesting about the results was comments from the sector winners, where they all seemed to attribute a customer-centric business approach as the reason for their Net Promoter score success.
“It is our focus on our customer needs and providing excellence in customer service that ensures we remain ahead of the pack.” Paul Green, Head of Communications, Saga
“Our goal of putting the customer centre stage is starting to be achieved.” Neil Berkett, CEO, Virgin Media
“First Direct launched 21 years ago this year with the primary aim of putting our customers’ needs at the centre of the business” Matt Colebrook, CEO, First Direct
We continue to collate any ever expanding body of research around the effectiveness of a great customer experience and putting customers at the centre of your business – when will your organisation join this successful bunch?
Read the original blog post here and also have a look at the 2010 European Net Promoter Industry Benchmarks