Having not really Tweeted at all over the Christmas period I thought I would check out my Klout score. Prior to Christmas it was around 57 I think, but two weeks later it’s now at 53. I’ve gone from being a Specialist to an Explorer. Whilst I don’t take Klout and similar types of tools too seriously, I do think these tools will become more sophisticated and play an important role in time. We are even seeing a few companies take note of people’s Klout scores and provide different levels of service based on it.
What this has got me thinking about, however, is that Klout reflects a person’s activity. It does not provide a fixed view of a customer or potential customer. It is a movable view of a customer at a particular moment in time; a snapshot in a sense. Customer service, on the other hand, is not set up in this way. It is fixed. The process is fixed, and the resolution for the most part is fixed.
If you are a company that provides a service based on a person’s Klout score, at what point do you decide to ignore or to pay attention to someone’s Klout score? A Klout score may not necessarily provide a true indication of someone’s influence.
Reminds me of a radio programme I listened to yesterday with Susan Maushart talking about her new book – The Winter of our Disconnect. The book is about ‘how one family pulled the plug on their technology and lived to tell/text/tweet the tale’.