I really liked Apple. I have an iPhone and an iPad. But the most recent experience made me think: how far can they take it?
We tried to buy a few iPads for customers. After the typical dial this – dial that – we landed at a customer service desk. An extremely arrogant person lectured us that we can’t just buy iPads and make it a present. Woh woh who – we are just asking…. We were lectured further if we “violate” the purchase agreement (do we have to sign an “agreement”) we may be expelled to buy any apple product.
This reminded my on Russian economy where people stood in line to buy something and needed to be thankful to be in the “elected circle” to even get a product. Ok I have to admit the whole “waiting list campaign” is a real cool marketing idea. Most know it has nothing to do with availability but just marketing – but hey it’s cool to watch it.
But now if we put it all together – is that going to be too much? Do I risk to be expelled by writing this – maybe the Apple KGB – is watching me?