Improve Employee Morale with Customer Service Training


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The morale level of employ­ees in a con­tact cen­ter, high or low, will be notice­able to cus­tomers via the words, tone, and actions of employ­ees. While it is nat­ural for morale to tem­porar­ily dip dur­ing an acqui­si­tion or a down­turn in sales, when low morale becomes the norm it is time to make changes. Suc­cess­ful man­agers know that com­mon causes of low morale such as lack of job skills, lit­tle or no job secu­rity, and not feel­ing appre­ci­ated by man­age­ment, can be reme­died with cus­tomer ser­vice train­ing.

Key Ben­e­fits of Cus­tomer Ser­vice Training

While there are many ben­e­fits to be gained from invest­ing in cus­tomer ser­vice train­ing, the most notice­able is a sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment in employee morale. After train­ing, employ­ees feel a renewed sense of pur­pose and a stronger affil­i­a­tion to cor­po­rate goals and objectives.

Employ­ees with high morale look for­ward to being at work and approach their daily tasks with enthu­si­asm and a will­ing­ness to serve. When employ­ees have low morale, atten­dance is poor, and employ­ees are quickly dis­cour­aged and lazy.

Why is Employee Morale so Important?

High employee morale in a con­tact cen­ter quickly trans­lates to improved per­for­mance, lower over­head costs, and higher cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion scores. There are many exam­ples to illus­trate why morale is so impor­tant. Here are a few of the most beneficial:

  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Reduced turnover­
  • Increased pro­duc­tiv­ity
  • Reduced absen­teeism
  • Increased cus­tomer loyalty
  • Increased brand advocacy

How to Mea­sure Morale

There are two easy steps to deter­mine morale at your con­tact center.

  1. Observe employ­ees
  2. Ask them.

Both steps are impor­tant and should be con­ducted together on a reg­u­lar basis to accu­rately assess team, depart­ment, and cen­ter morale. Note: it is best prac­tice to have sev­eral man­age­ment per­son­nel con­duct morale assess­ments. The first step is sub­jec­tive to indi­vid­ual per­cep­tion, and the sec­ond relies on hon­est input from agents.

How is employee morale at your cen­ter? Find out today! Down­load a free employee sat­is­fac­tion sur­vey by click­ing here or by past­ing this link into your browser:

Republished with author's permission from original post.

Rachel Miller
Rachel Miller is the Customer Engagement Manager at Nimble - a simple, affordable social relationship manager.


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