Scoring 45 minutes on the stage at an important industry event (paid or unpaid) is a win. These days, that’ll get your company in front of 20-100 people, on average. We’re big believers in quality over quantity, so if you’re standing in front of the only people you care about, mission accomplished. For most – that’s not the case.
Here are a handful of ideas to expand your reach and fuel lead gen, with very little “extra” effort:
- Create an on-demand Webinar. The presentation already exists; make it available on your website to non-event attendees (registration required to capture leads). Email outreach to customers and prospects drives downloads.
- Capture it on camera. Cut it down to 3-4 short (60-second) videos and post to YouTube and your site; embed links to drive traffic/SEO. (Convert to podcasts and post audio-only versions.)
- Provide a sneak peak on SlideShare. Post 3-4 slides that make readers want more; link to your on-demand Webinar presentation; capture more leads.
- Blog. Serve up the most compelling points from the presentation, share any interesting questions attendees raised and tie it into the broader theme at the event. Always, always embed links to hold the campaign together.
- Tweet it all. Before, during and after the event. Promote the live presentation, the bite-sized videos, the webinar, the slides on SlideShare and your blog.
A single speaking opportunity should be much more than 45 minutes of fame.
By: Corinne Federici
Twitter: @CorinneFederici