Embracing Citizen Development & Low-Code Software for Enterprise Mobile App Development


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In recent years, no-code and low-code solutions have established a prominent presence in the business productivity market, catering to diverse needs such as bespoke solutions, as well as integration into enterprise products. Recent statistics indicate that an overwhelming majority of applications, estimated to be over 65%, will be crafted using low-code and no-code platforms by the year 2024.

The growing interest and adoption of these tools have given rise to a surge in “citizen developers.” Their main appeal lies in the ability to empower professionals to create digital applications without the need for expensive developer time or budget approvals.

This advantage proves particularly valuable for companies with limited IT resources or constrained budgets, as no-code/low-code tools facilitate process improvement and swift delivery of strategic value.

Understanding Citizen Developers and Low-Code Software

According to recent industry data, the rise of low-code and no-code platforms has democratized app development, with over 70% of organizations now actively involving citizen developers in their development processes. This shift reflects the recognition of the unique perspectives and deep business knowledge that citizen developers bring to the table.

By leveraging the intuitive interfaces and seamless drag-and-drop functionality provided by these cutting-edge platforms, citizen developers unleash a world of possibilities, transforming their ideas into reality with remarkable speed and efficiency. This dynamic synergy between citizen developers and the power of low-code software has unleashed a revolution in the app development arena. It empowers individuals, regardless of their coding expertise, to make meaningful contributions to the creation of robust, user-centric applications.

This transformative collaboration has not only accelerated the time-to-market for innovative solutions but has also democratized the app development landscape, breaking down barriers and unlocking the potential of untapped talent within organizations. Breaking the barriers caused by a 40% skills gap in app development, the era of citizen development and low-code software has ushered in a new era of creativity, agility, and accessibility.

The Role of IT in Embracing Citizen Development

IT departments recognize the immense potential of citizen development and its impact on enterprise app development. In fact, a recent survey revealed that 84% of IT executives consider citizen development as a strategic priority for their organizations. Rather than perceiving citizen developers as a threat, IT teams are embracing them as valuable assets in accelerating app development and driving digital transformation.

By providing citizen developers with the necessary tools, support, and guidelines, IT departments can unleash their creativity and domain expertise while maintaining control over security, compliance, and overall IT governance. Such a collaborative approach has shown remarkable results, with organizations experiencing a 50% reduction in app development time. This not only leads to faster and more innovative app delivery but also fosters a culture of collaboration, empowerment, and continuous improvement within the organization.

Leveraging Low-Code and No-Code Solutions for Citizen Development

Low-code application development platforms have emerged as powerful tools for citizen developers. These platforms offer a wide range of features, including pre-built templates, visual editors, and reusable components, which significantly simplify the app development process.

Citizen developers can leverage these tools to create custom mobile applications, saving time and effort. The realm of low-code software empowers organizations with the ability to effortlessly amalgamate their existing systems and data sources, unlocking the potential to create sophisticated mobile applications that meet enterprise standards.

Making the right software choice is paramount for successful citizen development initiatives. By 2025, organizations that carefully evaluate and select low-code platforms tailored to their needs will achieve a remarkable 70% increase in app development efficiency. This not only expedites the development process but also empowers citizen developers to unlock their full potential and create impactful applications that fuel digital transformation.

However, citizen developer governance is essential to ensure the security, usability, and compliance of applications developed by citizen developers. Establishing clear guidelines and policies for app development helps maintain consistency and quality across projects. It also mitigates the risks associated with data breaches, system vulnerabilities, and non-compliance. Implementing proper governance measures enables organizations to strike a balance between empowering citizen developers and maintaining control over critical aspects such as data privacy, access controls, and regulatory compliance.

The Future of Enterprise App Development

The future of enterprise app development is intrinsically tied to the embrace of citizen development and the integration of low-code software as fundamental pillars of comprehensive digital transformation strategies. The infusion of citizen developers into the app development landscape brings forth a wealth of distinctive perspectives, profound business acumen, and unparalleled agility. These individuals, equipped with domain-specific knowledge and a non-traditional approach to coding, inject innovation and efficiency into the development process.

Gartner found that 41% of organizations have already begun implementing citizen development initiatives as part of their digital transformation strategies.

To fully leverage the potential of citizen developers, organizations must also evolve their IT practices. This entails providing comprehensive guidance, continuous support, and ongoing training to citizen developers.


The convergence of citizen development and low-code software has emerged as a transformative force in the world of enterprise mobile app development. Through the utilization of citizen developers’ unique skills and expertise, organizations gain the ability to expedite the delivery of cutting-edge applications and propel their digital transformation initiatives. Embracing citizen development and leveraging the power of low-code software allows organizations to unlock the vast potential inherent in their workforce, fostering an environment of innovation and enabling them to maintain a competitive edge.

Amy Groden-Morrison
Amy Groden-Morrison has served more than 15 years in marketing communications leadership roles at companies such as TIBCO Software, RSA Security and Ziff-Davis. Most recently she was responsible for developing marketing programs that helped achieve 30%+ annual growth rate for analytics products at a $1Bil, NASDAQ-listed business integration Software Company. Her past accomplishments include establishing the first co-branded technology program with CNN, launching an events company on the NYSE, rebranding a NASDAQ-listed company amid a crisis, and positioning and marketing a Boston-area startup.


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