Jim Smith
YCHANGE International
Jim Smith mentors entrepreneurial start-ups and counsels small to mid sized companies that are looking to expand or are under performing or under capitalized.
Martin Zwilling in Management/Leadership in Entrepreneur, October 29th, wrote an article on 10 Qualities Every Leader of The Future Needs to Have. These are...
Struggling with how to grow your business? Perhaps you're not thinking strategically enough. Here are 5 marketing steps you must take if you want...
1. Know Your Favorite CustomerBy definition, your favorite customer is the one who brings in the most revenue with the least...
Something is different at my local Starbucks. In line for my requisite morning latte the other day, I noticed several regulars already holding the...
At some point or another you must have heard success stories of people being discovered on the internet. Many singers and actors have been...
The world we live in today is technologically advanced. No longer are we relying on the radio and television stations as the only means...
If you own a small business or if you are thinking about starting one there are certain must do's that are key to being...
Many small business owners leave the design and composition of their web site to a third party who is generally unfamiliar with the needs...
Using mobile applications in a small and medium sized business (SMB) allows the streamlining of business processes for on-the-go employees and executives and creates...
As the owner of a small business, you should be able to answer the following six questions without hesitation. What market segment are we missing?Do...
As we head into the 4th quarter keep paying attention to marketing and PR which is always very important to your survival. When it...
Your small business is an exact reflection of you. For your small business to be comfortable in its skin means that you need to...
Google+, is one of the latest members to add to your arsenal of social media? There are multiple ways that you can use Google+...
Using Social Media to really understand your market and get to know what pain your favorite customers are suffering calls for actively interacting with...
Yelp has become a wildly popular online social media site where real people leave real reviews on local businesses. Yelp's purpose is to assist...
For many small businesses, reaching the widest customer base possible is generally a priority. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter...
If you haven't heard by now, Pinterest is making waves through the Internet. It is now the third most popular social media site and...
LinkedIn is a social media resource that many people overlook. In the past, it was used mainly for finding a job or connecting with...
Twitter is exploding and currently has over 200 million users. These users aren't all personal accounts; many are businesses, including small businesses. Are you...
Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites with a global user population of 845 million and still growing. While it may...