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Thompson Morrison

Thompson Morrison
Thompson Morrison has spent the last couple of decades figuring out how companies can listen better. Before co-founding FUSE, Mr. Morrison was Managing Director of AccessMedia International (AP), a consulting firm that provides strategic market analysis for the IT industry. His clients included Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, IBM, and Vignette.

Customer Listening: Social Media Trails the Old Standbys

If you believed the hype, you would think the only way consumers are telling their friends and family about customer experiences is via social...

La, La, La, I’m Not Listening

Recently a client asked us me remove a question from a survey. The question was, "Are there any additional features you'd like us to...

How High-Growth Companies Innovate

Tired of talk about innovation? Want to see some hard figures? Recently we did a study of the innovation strategies of 143 companies, and how...

The Number 1 Reason We Innovate

Ask any business executive about innovation, and they'll say it loud and clear: innovation is essential to their strategy. And why not? Studies show...

NPS – Does it work for B2B?

If you suggested I rename this blog something like NPS News, I couldn't blame you; I've been thinking a lot about NPS lately. Mostly,...

Your Internal NPS

Companies that use NPS in their marketing invariably apply it to their customers. That, after all, was what it was invented for. But there's an...

Customers Need Love, Too

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Did you give your loved one some flowers? Chocolates? A fancy dinner? If you did, nice going. But how's your relationship?...

Your NPS is Not a Vanity Plate

A few days ago I had a great phone conversation with Esteban Kolsky, strategist, consultant, and all-round go-to guy for straight talk on how...

NPS – The Unsung Hero

Not long ago, in the course of a talk I was giving to a regional marketing association, I asked how many people were using...

Coffee nerves

Another new logo announcement – this time Starbucks – and everyone is giving pronouncements on the effect it will have on the company. With...

Sorry, Wrong Number

In the Oregonian yesterday, Mike Rogoway called out Frontier Communications for hiking their rates without ensuring that their customer service personnel knew about the...

NPS for Entire Industries

In my previous post, I wrote about how the Portland software community was engaged through successive surveys, each smarter and more focused than the...

False Listening

December 7, 2010 Do you ever get the same survey from a company or organization, year after year? Does it make you mad? It should.…

When Innovation Sucks

Let's talk about airport body scanners. This is amazing technology – a non-invasive (physically) way to tell if an air passenger is packing a weapon....

Disney’s Innovation Approach

From CustomerThink – Ed Muzio talks about the Disney approach to innovation. Worth a look. Muzio talks about Dreamers, Realists, and Critics. I'll add that...

Agile Innovation

It’s no secret that today’s market rewards faster innovation. The Iridium disaster was a painful lesson on how 9 months in technology is an...

The 3 Dimensions of Innovation

In my last post, I promised to delve into the 3 dimensions of innovation. Product innovation – This is what we typically think of as...

How Do You Measure Innovation?

A very interesting post on Blogging Innovation got me thinking today. We measure profits, lead generation, market share, and other vital aspects of growth....

How Politicians Fail at Marketing

Politics might not be an industry, but it relies on marketing, branding, communication and relationships as much as business does. This explains why politicians...

The Comfort of Useless Marketing Metrics

I read some interesting thoughts on BrandSavant about accountability and metrics. The gist: We know there is something positive about increased mentions, but if pressed,...

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