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Thompson Morrison

Thompson Morrison
Thompson Morrison has spent the last couple of decades figuring out how companies can listen better. Before co-founding FUSE, Mr. Morrison was Managing Director of AccessMedia International (AP), a consulting firm that provides strategic market analysis for the IT industry. His clients included Hewlett-Packard, Compaq, IBM, and Vignette.

Inside-Out Marketing

I really liked this infographic from Flowtown. It tells a valuable story. Often, when clients talk to me about marketing activities, they're talking about acquiring...

Marketing Theory – Practice = Nowhere

There has been some excellent stuff on Futurelab, so the title of their recent post, Why Marketing Needs to Change, made me sit up. The...

Flap at the Gap

The fuss about the Gap's new logo is interesting, but not for the reasons that most people are giving. The point is not that...

The Alignment Challenge

Where does the potential for innovation lie? In an organization, it's in the individuals. And that's the problem. Here's an analogy. We've talked about soccer...

The Six Nines of Innovation

Anyone familiar with system design knows the term availability – the percentage of time that a system is up and usable. A mission-critical operation...

Why Innovation Makes us Crazy

A tale of two organizations. When I proposed setting up an innovation council in one organization, the COO said what amounted to, "Keep me out...

That’s no funnel!

In a recent blog post, Seth Godin advises marketers to devise a more efficient funnel. The thing is, some funnels are more efficient than others....

Why Most Brands Suck

A friend recently told me about a meeting at which a senior marketing manager said, "We need to change our name – we need...

Debunking the Golden Gut

A good post today on Brand Savant about the myth of the "golden gut" – the belief that "truly creative products and brands don't...

Are your customers dying to see you fail?

It's usually taken for granted that to get feedback, you have to bribe people. Every customer has a price, and if you pay it,...

Watching Customers is Not Listening to Them

Facebook Places is the latest location-based service to enter the market, and thanks to Facebook’s huge footprint, it’s getting tons of hype. Marketers are...

Clarity at 8400 Feet

If my posts have been a bit thin on the ground, it’s because I’ve been away – sharpening my saw, as Steven Covey puts...

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