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Rebel Brown

Rebel Brown
Rebel Brown consistently challenges the status quo to deliver optimum solutions and high velocity growth for her clients. She combines the strategic expertise and tactical savvy of a global Corporate Strategy, Launch and Turnaround Expert, along with the leadership and motivational skills needed to get the job done.

Zero Gravity Business Growth – PetRelocation.com

Many of us view our pets as part of our family. I know I do - they are my family. ...

Does Business Growth Trump Social Responsibility?

A TV ad for Plan B popped up last weekend - smack dab during date time. Wow, an emergency contraceptive ad at 10:20...

Zero Gravity Giving – One Bottle at a Time

"Everything in life is a choice. How you think about and make your choices is what determines your future." Wise words...

Preempting Perception

Most marketing folks believe that perception is the Holy Grail when it comes to marketing our brands or products. We strive to create...

If it Looks Like a Duck…

Yesterday we chatted about business growth strategies in the digital age, the resulting power to create perceptions, and our responsibiility for showing our true...

What are Your True Colors?

I love this song from Brad Paisley - it says a lot about the power of Digital connectedness. I work down at the Pizza PitAnd...

A World Without Excuses

What Does Your Gut Say?

Everybody has an opinion. On pretty much everything. We spend a lot of time sharing our opinions. Whether it's about a Super Bowl ad, a...

Mine’s Bigger than Yours!

Is anyone else tired of all the hype marketing? I don't mean all marketing. I'm talking about the hand-waving promises that are so unrealistic as...

Those Damned Assumptions

We're all pretty much programmed to have assumptions. We assume things based on our own perspectives, our history and our observations. We apply those assumptions...

Who’s Got Your Power?

How often do we give away our power, without realizing we are abdicating our own businesses or selves? We hire an expert to guide us,...

What Did I Learn from a Porcupine?

Sometimes I just love to laugh at the unexpected gems you can find on the internet. Especially the ones that show me a...

Do you Want to be a Market Leader?

Sometimes it pays to be the last guy in... What did I just say? Don't fret, I didn't lose my mind or go off the...

Are you a Chameleon?

How often do you change to match others? I call it the Chameleon. I caught myself doing the Chameleon these past few weeks. Instead...

Are You in Your Own Way?

I seem to be in my own way more often than I care to admit. What's really interesting is that the times I...

Business Growth Opportunities from Rieva Levonsky

So much of the media loves to spread all the horror stories about economic doom and gloom. It drives me NUTS because history...

Great Leaders Among Us

There's nothing like blending leadership and the power of Zero Gravity thinking to make a huge difference - in life and in business. Some...

Business Growth, the NFL Playoffs and What If?

I'm a big-time football and basketball fan - must be the Hoosier in me! I've been watching the NFL playoffs with great...

Business Growth and a Mustang

My wild mustang child Maverick is one of the best teachers I've ever seen. Every day I learn something new from my wild child. You...

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