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Gregory Yankelovich

Gregory Yankelovich
Gregory Yankelovich is a Technologist who is agnostic to technology, but "religious" about Customer Experience and ROI. He has solid experience delivering high ROI projects with a focus on both Profitability AND Customer Experience improvements, as one without another does not support long-term business growth. Gregory currently serves as co-founder of https://demo-wizard.com, the software (SaaS) used by traditional retailers and CPG brand builders to create Customer Experiences that raise traffic in stores and boost sales per customer visit.

Is Social Media Relevant to Business?

There are hundreds of companies that sell their Social Media Monitoring services. Many more startups are working hard on bringing more to the market....

Finding the Fine Line: Customer engagement into a product development

Most startups, and many well established companies, utilize "agile" methods to develop new products. These methods involve customers trying early versions of a product...

How to Develop Awesome Products? Focus on Customer Experience

Involving customers into the product development process is one of the most controversial subjects in product marketing/management communities. Like with most "religious" issues, the...

Social Media and The Future of Advertising

"Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does." This quote...

Why doesn’t an abundance of analytics translate into actions?

Most companies heard about value of data-driven decisions, and every company accumulated more data than they know what to do with. Some enterprises invested...

Correlation of Customer Experience Trends Can Predict Shifts in Market Share

One of the reasons companies pay to measure their customers' satisfaction is because they believe there is a correlation between how people answer their...

B2B Customer Experience Management – a story from the trenches (Part 2)

In the last week post I wrote about the reasons the examples of B2B Customer Experience Management successes and failures are not as widely...

B2B Customer Experience Management – a story from the trenches

You may have noticed that most publically available research into Customer Experience is focused on consumer products and companies. There are a...

Ode to Customer Feedback from Social Media

There are 5 reasons why Voice of Social Customer is more valuable than traditional Customer Feedback programs: 1. Social Media Voice...

Customer Experience is Everybody’s Business – Marketing

Most CEM practitioners and writers are concentrating their attention on the delivery stages of the customer journey that involve front line employees and processes....

Customer Experience: Easy to Measure, Hard to Change part 2

This sequel was inspired by comments and questions posted in multiple LinkedIn groups where the first part was published. Special thanks to Richard Hatheway. One...

How Online Customer Reviews can help “Brick & Mortar” Retailers

While marketers and researchers slice and dice social media noise, or chasing a diminishing number of customers who still are willing to respond to...

Customer Experience: Easy to Measure, Hard to Change

Research into customer experience shows that a majority of consumer-facing industries are not rated very positively by the customers. Temkin Group researchers surveyed 10,000...

Apple at the crossroads

As many products and services are becoming more agile by design, even the best-designed products have shorter and shorter time to enjoy superior profit...

WoM Marketing-Does it Really Work?

New research shows early signs of Nokia Lumia 928?s breakaway success. While it's Social Net Promoter Score® is 12% below Lumia 920, it's Social...

Customer Feedback is the Oxygen of Social Enterprise

In the context of this article I am using the term "Customer Feedback" to include content from company sponsored Voice of Customer programs and...

Social Consumer challenge to Traditional Brand Management

As most marketers are well aware, when consumers have trust in a brand the products associated with this brand are capable of delivering higher...

Social Levers for Effective Brand Management

This article is a sequel to The Essence of Brand and Customer Experience post that I wrote a few months ago. It explores further...

Social Customer and the Quest for Better Margins

It is no secret that most new products taken to market do not perform to management expectations. While there may be a myriad of...

The key to happiness lies in managing expectations

The key to happiness lies in managing expectations. I have found this to be true in personal and professional endeavors. From that perspective, choosing...

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