Home Authors Posts by Philip Hogg

Philip Hogg

Philip Hogg
Passionate about customer experience management, word-of-mouth and integrating new channels of feedback.

“How’s your meal”? Fine

Picture this.  You’re in a restaurant with your loved one eating a steak that is  not particularly special or tender.  The waitress then walks...

Loyalty builders

Experts in word-of-mouth marketing will tell you that if you give your customers a good reason to talk about you they will. And if that...

Give me a reason to refer you and I will

Experts in word-of-mouth marketing will tell you that if you give your customers a good reason to talk about you they will. And if that...

Suffering in Silence

There is an adage that says something like "A happy customer will tell 2 or 3 people, whilst an unhappy one will tell 10"....

Mind the Gap

Mind the gap? Marketing Week got me thinking – are some organisations focusing on the wrong things? This article should be a wake-up call...

The social media Zoo

As I've been discussing social media just lately, visions of animals keep cropping up! I've observed 5 levels of corporate engagement when it comes to...

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