Experts in word-of-mouth marketing will tell you that if you give your customers a good reason to talk about you they will. And if that reason is positive then they will make positive referrals.
Our research with 100 homebuyers has unearthed some interesting findings. We interviewed these homebuyers at multiple stages during the purchase process and on each occasion asked them if they were talking to their friends about their experiences.
Here are the findings –
* At the point of reserving the new home – 82% were talking
* Whilst they were arranging lawyers and finance this dropped to 50% – clearly not such a high point for them.
* It jumped again to a staggering 92% at the point when contracts were concluded and the deal was finalised – they were understandably very excited at this point
* It remained around the 60-70% for the rest of the time before demonstration and move-in day when it shot up to 100%.
* The last reading was taken two months after moving into their new home and it averaged at 60%.
So, what are the learning points for brand-owners?
1. Firstly, that during an elongated, high-involvement purchase like this, the purchaser is pre-disposed to spread word-of-mouth about your brand. They are emotionally engaged and will be talking about you, whether you like it or not! They are your most effective form of marketing – use this to your advantage.
2. By creating incidents (positive ones) during the purchase process you can initiate even more word-of-mouth and referral activity.
3. Don’t view purchasers who have signed on the dotted line and are waiting for their product as a burden and an interruption to finding new customers; use them to help you generate new prospects.
4. Create unusual and unexpected events – this will really give them a reason to talk!
In an age when consumers are becoming more suspicious and cynical about conventional advertising, and are using social media to seek advice organisations need to factor in the power of WOM to their mix!