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Larry Alton

Larry Alton
Larry Alton is an independent business consultant specializing in social media trends, business, and entrepreneurship. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

The 7 Keys to Great Customer Service

When you think about the most important facets of your business, you might be focusing on the wrong issues. While your products and services...

Apple Pay Works for Most, Has Hangups for Some

Apple Pay, the new payment system that’s supposed to be the most revolutionary financial advance since online shopping, is finally in play. While the...

Connecting Lawyers with Clients: 3 Aspects of Online Legal Marketing

Legal marketing wasn’t around 20 years ago. Attorneys were responsible for building their own books of business, but most of this was done organically...

How Cloud-Based CRM is Changing the Business Landscape

The business world is constantly changing and advancing. While there might not be anything wrong with the older ways of doing things, new technologies...

High-Tech Entertainment Necessary for Attracting and Keeping Clients

There was a time when you could take your clients out to an occasional dinner and nothing more was expected of you. In many...

The Foundation for Customer Acquisition

Quick! What’s the key to running a successful business? Most people hesitate before answering this question correctly. After all, is there really one single key...

How Personalization as a Service is Changing E-Commerce

It’s well known that Amazon has worn the crown of the e-commerce kingdom for a long time, but have you ever wondered what “secret...

Marriott’s New Social Media Approach: Innovative or Out of Touch?

According to GetResponse blogger Kerry Butters, social media is an important resource for companies who hope to build their online reputations. By working with...

Personal Branding in a Highly Technical World

In today’s business landscape where CEOs and other top-level executives are constantly fighting for the spotlight, it’s not hard to see that personal branding...

7 Best Global Communication Methods for Business

These days, international business people don’t face the same communication barriers that their predecessors did. Communication technologies expand daily, with continuous innovations rolling out...

What Your Customers aren’t Telling You

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and this saying holds true in business. Unfortunately, many salespeople think that if a customer doesn’t say anything...

Study Reveals B2B Companies All About Mobile Commerce

It’s official: There are now more mobile users than desktop users, and B2B companies are forging the path when it...

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