Kevin Fredrick
Kevin Fredrick is a Managing Partner at OneReach. His passion for technology and the study of human interactions has led him to a career in customer experience management. Twitter: @kevinfredrick LinkedIn:
Both technological capabilities and consumer preferences are evolving faster than ever before, which amplifies the challenge organizations have as they attempt to establish and...
Empowerment. That is the word that comes to mind when one considers how recent technological changes have affected a business’ ability to create compelling...
Push notifications are big business. Apple has sent over 7.4 trillion push notifications since the launch of iCloud in 2011, and research has found...
Startups can be crazy, exciting places to work. While it can often feel like there are more balls in the air than hands to...
How many text messages do you think the average American exchanges each month? 100? 500? Try 914. That’s roughly 30 texts a day, or more...