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Joel Goobich

Joel Goobich
Joel Goobich is a recognized business thought leader and an accomplished entrepreneur, executive, and management consultant with extensive experience in marketing, sales, business strategy, and innovation. He is a published author, blogger, veteran podcaster, and contributing writer to Forbes, Martech Cube, Martech Outlook, Business2Community, and other online publications. His latest book - HyperLeverage: Do More With What You Have For Exceptional Results provides a systematic methodology to uncover and unleash your leverage.

The Superlative Epidemic: Are We Overusing Extreme Language?

I’m somewhat of a sports junkie with a keen interest in watching sports of all kinds. For me, sports are my reality TV because...

The Art of Balancing: How to Manage a Supply Chain for Fads

Years ago, I was asked by one of my clients to make their business go viral. Essentially they wanted to create a fad so...

Can You Protect Your IP in the Age of ChatGPT?

Hitesh Choudhary (Unsplash Images) For years I’ve been espousing that Intellectual property, IP, can be the most important asset a business or a professional...

What Professionals Can Learn From Slow Cooking

Here's some food for thought (pun intended) as you contemplate how to develop a successful career. Put on a cook's apron and understand how...

What is the Shelf-life of your Content?

A holiday turkey typically lasts about 3-4 days in the fridge after it has been cooked and served. Content for a one-day-only Black Friday...

Does “Below the Fold” Content Get Read?

It's a fact, content below the fold gets less attention. That's why a best practice in content marketing is to place your best content...

7 Buckets of Content Inventory Every Business Should Consider Using

According to a recent article in Forbes, we are facing a virtual tsunami of content today. One estimate puts this onslaught at 200 million-plus...

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