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Jill Konrath

Jill Konrath
Jill Konrath is the best-selling author of SNAP Selling and Selling to Big Companies. She helps sellers crack into new accounts and win business with crazy-busy prospects. She's a popular speaker at annual sales meetings and professional conferences.

[Video] Why You Need to Go Into a Sales Meeting Naked

It's true. I'm advocating that you go into a sales call totally stark raving naked. But I'm dead serious. All those brochures and handouts...

Rules of the Hunt: Are You Doing the Right Things?

Being a successful entrepreneur, sales leader or salesperson is both an art and a science. There's so much you need to learn along the...

How Would You Address this Interesting Sales Dilemma?

I was sitting next to Brian, one of my client's customers. The previous day, I'd led a "Selling to Crazy-Busy Buyers" workshop at their...

[Video] 3 Tips to Gain Prospects’ Trust Using LinkedIn

How can you use LinkedIn for sales and increase your own credibility? Lots of ways. And let me say right upfront that it's important...

Don’t do what this guy did at a sales meeting

I am mortified by what I'm overhearing at the table next to me ... I don't mean to be eavesdropping. But I couldn't help but...

[Video] Ask prospects these questions to pique their curiosity

Why is it important to pique your prospect's curiosity? The answer is simple. It creates an opening for you to establish a relationship at...

[Video] Why You Must Be a Visible Irritant When Prospecting

Whenever I do a sales workshop, I get asked, "How often should I contact my prospects?" Salespeople want to know if once a week...

Are You Catching These Prospect Warning Signs?

"Yikes," I exclaimed as a godawful screeching noise filled the car. We were driving downhill on a narrow twisting road in Escalante National Park...

[Video] Don’t Ruin a Prospect Callback by Doing This!

Getting a prospect to return your phone calls these days is a real achievement. When that happens, you need to be at the top...

Why I Can’t Catch a Taxi — And You Can’t Sell

Several weeks ago I was in New York City doing a workshop for a client. I left early to meet with the VP of...

[Video] A Surefire Way to Differentiate From Your Competitors

Your prospect is ready to make a change. They've seriously evaluated their options and narrowed it down to you and several of your toughest...

[Video] Why You Should Never Send Funny Items to Your Prospects

When your prospects don't respond to any of your overtures, it's enough to drive you crazy. All you can think about is, "What will...

Preemptive Strikes: A Highly Effective Sales Strategy for Dealing With Bad-Mouthing Competitors

What a brilliant sales strategy! That's exactly what came to mind when I saw Rick Santorum's new television ad. But before you watch it,...

Never Sell a Liberal the Same Way as a Conservative?

Never, in all my years in sales, did I ever think I'd write an article on this topic. But recently, I've been reading some...

Salespeople Should Never, Ever Do This …

When Forbes magazine interviewed me about what salespeople should never do, the five "no-nos" below immediately popped into my mind. But it was so...

“Hail Mary” Passes & the Game of Sales

Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots threw a long "Hail Mary" pass as a last-ditch effort to win the Super Bowl. But,...

[Video] Never Call Your Best Prospects First

Most sales gurus will tell you to call your A prospects first. After all, they're the ones who are most likely to buy --...

[Video] 3 Critical Questions You Must Ask Every Hot Prospect

Have you ever been called in to meet by a prospect that's all excited about making the change? They're busy meeting with vendors, looking...

Dealing with Oops! Moments: Sales Lessons from Rick Perry

When Texas Governor Rick Perry entered the presidential race, he immediately soared to a front-runner status. But, it didn't last long due to his...

[Video] How to Get More Prospects in Your Pipeline?

As sellers, we want to keep as many options open to us. We want to be able to pursue business with anyone who has...

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